It's likely a stamp or similar. It usually is unless it's incredibly limited quantities, like less than 200 or something.
But that's okay; if a stamp uses a specific type of ink and a microscopic pattern, a forgery becomes a lot more difficult to pull off when it needs to be validated for sale.
Thirty two years ago, I was a live in caregiver for a gal with Muscular Dystrophy. Anyway, my roomate’s health was so bad that her hands would shake so bad she could’’t write, let alone sign her name. So she had a stamp made of her signature which she used to sign all of her checks with.
Several years ago, I bought a book by Bush 43 (yeah, I know, I've learned a lot since then) that was hand-signed and personalized. It was $250, so $230 for a hand-signed book is in the right ballpark.
Picture book so the leftists can understand (kind of) too. Stay classy Mr. President.
Don't be a cheapskate, go for the signed book!
It's likely a stamp or similar. It usually is unless it's incredibly limited quantities, like less than 200 or something.
But that's okay; if a stamp uses a specific type of ink and a microscopic pattern, a forgery becomes a lot more difficult to pull off when it needs to be validated for sale.
Thirty two years ago, I was a live in caregiver for a gal with Muscular Dystrophy. Anyway, my roomate’s health was so bad that her hands would shake so bad she could’’t write, let alone sign her name. So she had a stamp made of her signature which she used to sign all of her checks with.
Several years ago, I bought a book by Bush 43 (yeah, I know, I've learned a lot since then) that was hand-signed and personalized. It was $250, so $230 for a hand-signed book is in the right ballpark.
Shoot, at that price I'd hope it's an actual signature.
US $229.99