Normies watch and read MSM and think they KNOW the truth. When confused they simply block it out. Example, tell them there are more vaccinated people in the hospital with Covid than unvaxed and they block it out and move on to say how happy they are that their kids are finally able to get it. I'm not sure block of ice between their ears will ever thaw out.
Some Normies don't even know who Ghislaine is, I work with a guy who's never heard the name Jeffery Epstein, and he doesn't give two shits about his rights relating to Covid or his children's rights because "he'll be dead soon anyway" just so damn apethetic.
We are being misdirected, look at the timing of Austria going full nazi with compulsary vx and the end of the Rittenhouse trial, the timing is not a coincidence.
Kind of. It sparked more calls for audits. Allegedly States will sue other States via the Supreme Court on 23 NOV, and individual State legislators are calling to decertify. Needs a lot of pressure. This is a slow burn.
I'm phone fagging, so I don't have the sauce, but I saw video clip on Twitter showing Rittenhouse trial footage where someone in the background had his foot disappear, like there's a green screen.
No we're not being misdirected we can keep an eye on multiple happenings at once.
I understand "We" can because "We" already "See"..I'm speaking more in a broad sense...Normies..
normies can't find this place
Some normies will die of the vax.
Others will be maimed...
Others still will be VERY fucking pissed when they discover they have been lied to...
Only then will they start looking for answers.
Normies watch and read MSM and think they KNOW the truth. When confused they simply block it out. Example, tell them there are more vaccinated people in the hospital with Covid than unvaxed and they block it out and move on to say how happy they are that their kids are finally able to get it. I'm not sure block of ice between their ears will ever thaw out.
do be do
Normies dont even know that the Ghislaine trial is taking place. Plus its Federal too, meaning it isnt televized.
Some Normies don't even know who Ghislaine is, I work with a guy who's never heard the name Jeffery Epstein, and he doesn't give two shits about his rights relating to Covid or his children's rights because "he'll be dead soon anyway" just so damn apethetic.
Well educmacate that mofo
We are being misdirected, look at the timing of Austria going full nazi with compulsary vx and the end of the Rittenhouse trial, the timing is not a coincidence.
They don't want your eyes on Maxwell.
WI FBI are still old school apolitical. Who knows what their DC Masters do though....
Speaking of misdirection, whatever happened with the results of the audit? Was that successfully memory-holed?
Kind of. It sparked more calls for audits. Allegedly States will sue other States via the Supreme Court on 23 NOV, and individual State legislators are calling to decertify. Needs a lot of pressure. This is a slow burn.
I'm phone fagging, so I don't have the sauce, but I saw video clip on Twitter showing Rittenhouse trial footage where someone in the background had his foot disappear, like there's a green screen.
The sheep might be distracted, but we aren't.