If we accept Devolution as fact then that would conclude that Trump will step in any second now to prevent the economic collapse, right?
Well... what if instead there is already a plan in place to respond should and more likely when that will occur?
I read a theory some time last year about Trump announcing the end of the Fed over a three day media blackout that also included similar claims to the EAS theories. It theorized that Trump had established a gold backed currency that was completely decentralized and would immediately replace the Fed. I don't remember all the specific details, but I remember it seeming plausible enough to have some hope in...
As we know that didn't happen... or rather it hasn't happened yet. I do think this theory might have actually had some weight to it if we consider it in terms of deltas. Now I am not suggesting this exact theory is correct, but I do think Trump does have a gold backed economy ready to replace this debt based one at a moment's notice. Trump talked long and often about going back to the Gold Standard and seemed to hint at having started that process.
Basically, don't waste energy dooming over a failed economic system. The USD is only as good as the people who believe in it and that faith is very fragile. Trump hasn't left us to die, but even if he had that wouldn't matter. The plan means nothing if we don't get involved. Also, buy some silver while you still can.
I can’t help but think economic collapse is part of the plan. The entire system has to be replaced. It could be the last thing to happen on Biden’s watch. Then the election is overturned and trump comes back to put his new economy online. It will be bumpy like all the other times we transition d the economy but this time we’ll move into a free market system with a level playing field and our wealth will grow properly.
Do you think they will dismantle the FBI?
I think when the famine hits and the unemployment is 90summod percent all hell breaks loose
I do think it's intentional. But I presented it this way for the more skeptical among us who need to hear the warnings and begin divesting what USD they can.
should the economy collapse
No, its "when the economy collapses"
The economy is a federal reserve ponzi scheme, and has to collapse. But it has to be on Biden's watch, and its collapse is going to be a controlled demolition when all the Big Banks get blown out of water and finally we will be free.
I remember Trump giving a speech, if I remember correctly, it was in front of Mount Rushmore. Anyways, he says his goal is to “level out the playing field” for us little people.
I was wrong. But I found the speech https://files.catbox.moe/y4lyy8.mov
Fine as long as we aren't left destitute for having index mutual funds
Economy collapse is part of the plan. We Need to end the federal reserve and world reserve currency
Q's post about 'as you see we are taking back our country' paraphrased, implies it was all lost, ostensibly. We might get to the point where China, thinking they have won, openly brags and admits to everything. It might get that bad.
implies what was all lost
Also could be GameStop related or initiated. It is theorized that short hedge funds are way over shorted on GME because of naked shorting which is illegal. They are exposed to ‘infinite risk’. The apes say that the mother of all short squeezes could be initiated and start a dominoes leading to the Fed. Short hedge funds would be liquidated then prime brokers, clearing houses, large banks, the Fed.