either on rogan or 2bears somebody mentioned that its not a case of the mandela effect, sinbad didnt like the way the movie turned out so he had it pulled. allegedly
edit: im pretty sure it was because shaquille oneal made kazaam (a parody film)
Yes, but then you'd have to realize that time travel is real. We having a war right now, none of us earth dwellers can know the scope of. We are on the path to a liberation like no other. We just have to continue the fight.
"It's going to be biblical" will feel like an understatement.
Time Travel is just a piece of it. Time Travel can't change the land, like where continents and islands are now. Or Body parts. See my other message in this post for examples.
Someone on 4chan mentioned that there’s a psyop to introduce slightly different spellings of words in different areas of the US and those Google results messed me up.
I have been ME affected since 2016 and one of the main reasons I believe GEOTUS is John Titor's family. so many changes over the years jut make me go Meh. This and Dolly's braces were my first
Yes, it is related. It is also related to the USS Eldridge, Originally Project Rainbow- The Philadelphia Experiment. (Not to be confused with Manhattan Project). They should of listened to Nikola Tesla when he said not to do it, it needed additional safeguards. Also, the many experiments done with orphans and time travel / stargates at (under) Camp Hero, Montauk (The Chair).
I'm into this as much as the next person (I remember the movie too) but the VHS casing and tape is photoshopped. It's a decent fake but this is not evidence at all.
The US flag has been white under blue the whole time. Betsy Ross’ flag was that way. I have a flag from a KIA dating to WWII that I hoist on Memorial Day that is white below blue. I have a modern flag that is the same way.
Two issues I have with letting this rest as some stupid thing that wasn't real:
First, I remember the TVTropes article called "I am not Shazaam" described it as the trope namer.
Second, too many search results on it use "conspiracy" and "debunked" to describe it for it to be truly nothing at all.
either on rogan or 2bears somebody mentioned that its not a case of the mandela effect, sinbad didnt like the way the movie turned out so he had it pulled. allegedly
edit: im pretty sure it was because shaquille oneal made kazaam (a parody film)
I’m with you on this. The VHS part looks photoshopped and the poster even says “landing soon” but no release date.
Want a real mind F? Google up "And the lion shall down with the lamb" and look for the "residue" items.
ok, we are definitely in spirual warfare. i remember it being the lion, and not the wolf.
Is someone changing history?
Yes, but then you'd have to realize that time travel is real. We having a war right now, none of us earth dwellers can know the scope of. We are on the path to a liberation like no other. We just have to continue the fight. "It's going to be biblical" will feel like an understatement.
Time Travel is just a piece of it. Time Travel can't change the land, like where continents and islands are now. Or Body parts. See my other message in this post for examples.
I've never heard of a shepherd having his lambs eaten by lions... Wolves, yes. But lions, no.
Someone on 4chan mentioned that there’s a psyop to introduce slightly different spellings of words in different areas of the US and those Google results messed me up.
I saw this about a year ago. I brought it to my parents who are very much into the Word. They don’t remember the “wolf” either
Has anyone asked Jonathan Taylor Thomas? Looks like him on the movie cover. But i remember watching this!! It was a thing.
I watched it too. the vhs tape owner should upload the movie as evidence.
If something doesn't exist, there's no copyright infringement.
https://youtu.be/tD0rchvuoMU Sorry for YT link
The cabal is not powerful enough to do this. They wish!
Look up..
"Toto, we are not in Kansas anymore."
"Lucy, You've got some splaining to do"
"Beam me up Scotty"
The Country of Holland does not exist. The last time there was a country of Holland hundreds and hundreds of years ago.
Twilight Zone. Rod's last name seems like it went thru the Twilight Zone.
Ed McMahon ... Publishers Clearing House, HUGE check. Hmmm
James Bond "Moonraker" girl Dolly with braces...
Scary Movie, "I see White people" and "Take my strong hand." ???
Where is your heart actually located?
Some interesting world location anomalies...
South America is East of Florida.
New Zealand is the most southern land, not the land down under, Australia.
No Ice capped land in the Arctic., north pole.
Panama canal runs North to south.
Mongolia is HUGE
Russia and China share a border.
A lot of Mandela effects I’m not convinced about. But Shazam is the one that gets me. I remember it and I’m not confused about that.
I have been ME affected since 2016 and one of the main reasons I believe GEOTUS is John Titor's family. so many changes over the years jut make me go Meh. This and Dolly's braces were my first
This may be related to Project Looking Glass. Timelines have converged and NCSWIC.
Maybe, that's a good thought
Yes, it is related. It is also related to the USS Eldridge, Originally Project Rainbow- The Philadelphia Experiment. (Not to be confused with Manhattan Project). They should of listened to Nikola Tesla when he said not to do it, it needed additional safeguards. Also, the many experiments done with orphans and time travel / stargates at (under) Camp Hero, Montauk (The Chair).
I'm into this as much as the next person (I remember the movie too) but the VHS casing and tape is photoshopped. It's a decent fake but this is not evidence at all.
The US flag has been white under blue the whole time. Betsy Ross’ flag was that way. I have a flag from a KIA dating to WWII that I hoist on Memorial Day that is white below blue. I have a modern flag that is the same way.
Can you digitize this and upload it to bitchute? This could be an awesome redpill.
I don’t understand the context. Why are they denying the film existed?
I know, I’ve watched it!!
Can’t trip me up
Two issues I have with letting this rest as some stupid thing that wasn't real: First, I remember the TVTropes article called "I am not Shazaam" described it as the trope namer. Second, too many search results on it use "conspiracy" and "debunked" to describe it for it to be truly nothing at all.
What is happening?
Ok, let’s see the actual movie
I always said that. Like how is this only a thing in pop culture with newly digitized archives? Very suspicious
Spooky dialogue