My kids are capable and well prepared for the lions. Fortunately they're very strong willed don't give into the liberal noise. Also, I'm fortunate that my school district is relatively decent.
Thats incredibly fortunate - you are the parent and you get to choose.
I am one of the teenagers they vaccinated under age 18 and without my parents permission (back in 2008). They vaxxed me up to date on their schedule. The school taught my classmates and I about this great artist Marina Abramović. The school taught republicans bad, democrats good. Its hard to sort out the truth when you are a teenager. There were things they taught me that didn’t even seem partisan, but were highly indoctrination and marxism.
Id be an asshole if I didn’t share my story even if I am preaching to the choir.
4 years ago:
Schools were ALWAYS for indoctrination, it just gets more apparent the closer we get to the unveiling of the Antichrist....
It’s time to pull your children out of public schools. We need to start our own co-ops toward the raising of morally sane children.
Or purge the Commies from the school system….
Yes but are you going to send your kids to the lions before they are out out out? Not I.
My kids are capable and well prepared for the lions. Fortunately they're very strong willed don't give into the liberal noise. Also, I'm fortunate that my school district is relatively decent.
Thats incredibly fortunate - you are the parent and you get to choose.
I am one of the teenagers they vaccinated under age 18 and without my parents permission (back in 2008). They vaxxed me up to date on their schedule. The school taught my classmates and I about this great artist Marina Abramović. The school taught republicans bad, democrats good. Its hard to sort out the truth when you are a teenager. There were things they taught me that didn’t even seem partisan, but were highly indoctrination and marxism.
Id be an asshole if I didn’t share my story even if I am preaching to the choir.
That sucks. Thanks for sharing.
Tar and feathers for all of them. Hotter the better.