Right! We are not f’n stupid. Start our own party now. You, with Michael Flynn supporting we can make you our permanent leader and fight against China.
No the Republican Party told Trump three times to keep out of Virginia and let Mike Pence campaign for the Carlyle Group CEO in Virginia. He’s no fool and nether are patriots. We have the majority and we will win without their horse and pony show
Mr. Trump!!
They aren't doing anything because they don't care about the people. I think you know this!
Right! We are not f’n stupid. Start our own party now. You, with Michael Flynn supporting we can make you our permanent leader and fight against China.
No the Republican Party told Trump three times to keep out of Virginia and let Mike Pence campaign for the Carlyle Group CEO in Virginia. He’s no fool and nether are patriots. We have the majority and we will win without their horse and pony show
Don't mistake Rinos for real conservative Republicans. There's a difference.
Yea, he should run as democrat next.. Bring out the reason.
Make it the Constitutional Party.
No, the party of Lincoln must live on.
No point fighting a pointless war against China. Right continent, wrong side of it.