Plus think of all the government employees and people working jobs that exist solely because of BS regulations that produce absolutely nothing and the only purpose of their job is to get in the way of people that actually produce food and shelter for people. I hardly consider this as being "employed" as they essentially do negative work rather than no work
For every President from FDR to Bush Jr, the economic data was "jobs gained or lost."
Bush Jr. was getting beaten down badly by the economic reports. Obama takes office and, suddenly, the outlook isn't dreary. Why? Because the economic data now became "Jobs saved, gained, or lost" And guess what - Obama really knew how to save jobs. His numbers were off the charts.
Of course, there is no way to measure "jobs saved" - especially in times of recession - but there it was in bold print. Obama, the miracle worker, who invented a new economic category and all the numbers that went along with it.
Well we have seen them manipulate the numbers in the medical field regarding this fucking jab so this is just them manipulating the numbers in the jobs market. They manipulate to get the reaction they want so that they can implement the solution they want. It's evil.
Kinda like how "reducing unemployment" is not the same as removing people from eligible employment lists.
This, so much this. You think the unemployment rate is 4.6% right now? Try 46%.
The smell of desperation is getting stronger by the minute. That's a good sign.
Plus think of all the government employees and people working jobs that exist solely because of BS regulations that produce absolutely nothing and the only purpose of their job is to get in the way of people that actually produce food and shelter for people. I hardly consider this as being "employed" as they essentially do negative work rather than no work
You just described Greek bureaucracy to a T.
In tard world it is.
That is Obama level logic.
For every President from FDR to Bush Jr, the economic data was "jobs gained or lost."
Bush Jr. was getting beaten down badly by the economic reports. Obama takes office and, suddenly, the outlook isn't dreary. Why? Because the economic data now became "Jobs saved, gained, or lost" And guess what - Obama really knew how to save jobs. His numbers were off the charts.
Of course, there is no way to measure "jobs saved" - especially in times of recession - but there it was in bold print. Obama, the miracle worker, who invented a new economic category and all the numbers that went along with it.
Trudope's 'job creation' model in perfect description.
"We created 10,000 jobs this month." Yup, sure did. Too bad you don't tell the public they're ALL part time / temporary / contract jobs.
Well we have seen them manipulate the numbers in the medical field regarding this fucking jab so this is just them manipulating the numbers in the jobs market. They manipulate to get the reaction they want so that they can implement the solution they want. It's evil.
well said 45
As always he’s dead on !! I miss a leader who shoots straight and doesn’t play politics !!