Look here not there! This is an, albeit obvious, attempt to pass the blame. Manufactures and Doctors need to be held accountable, the pharmacies would have never had this product to offer had it not been for its existence and those that pushed its use. I know a few people that have done time for prescription fraud, it happened before I knew them. They have told me that they would simply steal a RX pad from the doctors office or dental office and write as many non-refillable (important as a pharmacist would have caught on otherwise) prescriptions as they wanted. Then hit up all the pharmacies within a few mile radius using multiple people to fill the prescriptions and pick them up. There is no way that the pharmacies should be help liable for that, the doctors failed to protect sensitive material and failed to keep stock of their supply of prescription pads which would have alluded to fraud happening in the first place. Making their own institutions into pill mills. They should have had procedure in place to prevent such activity and failed to protect the community in their own capacity. These lawsuits will likely have NDAs attached that would make it impossible to sue anyone else after the fact while the Pharmacies would have insurance to cover the costs of any suit against them, as the Doctors would. However placing the blame on the pharmacy is a huge disservice to all of us as no "one" will receive the blame only the Corporations that are associated with them. The way this will work out is that everyone that had an actual hand in creating this disaster will be blameless under the law and only their shells will be required to pay up which they will get at a substantial discount considering the Corporation will be considered "one" against many. We have got to go for the Board of Directors of the Pharmacies if we want real results, as with the Doctors, Hospitals, Emergency Rooms and Dentists! We cannot continue to blame a building or the name of a building for the crimes of man!
I am as well, but it is LAW in the United States that corporations (the brick and mortar building) assume all blame and therefore the only party that is required to pay benefits to any victims of malfeasance by the corporation.
Imagine a cruise ship runs aground and destroys property. Now imagine taking the Ship to court and suing the Ship for damages. Strange analogy as the captain of the ship would have to suffer all blame sans technical problems. This is not the case with Corporations.
When Dupont made it's employees and neighbors sick using toxic chemicals and dumping toxic chemicals the Board of Directors (Dupont's Captains, if you will) were absolved of all guilt and the Corporation itself was sued. They sued the building and not the men controlling the actions and goings on of the building. You cannot arrest a building, though I would like to see someone try.
That's just plain bassackwards think'n. It's the responsibility of the end user. Billions tied up in all the assets of folks who made a bad choice and croaked as a result. Seize all their assets and distribute them to ADL and others who have been slandered!
If you are trusting of an ABC then I think you might like reddit better! Just a suggestion.
I love the logic though: The end users were not given the opportunity for informed consent therefore whatever laws they would have been beholden to are null and void as a contract cannot be formed without it (legally) (so like, more illegal activity from the manufactures) . This would be ok for me as well as it would further implicate the manufacturers in their crimes. The guise of a vested authority has played it's course and has failed magnificently for all to see. Slander is the least of their concerns, IMO. This only teaches people not to trust the vested authority and we know what comes after all trust is lost, do we not? Meanwhile blame will be shifted to all parties not responsible for damages related to the product, which is the opposite of justice. Funny we want to hit up the gun manufactures when there is a shooting but one of the largest pandemics to plague the world happens and it is suddenly the fault of the user only. Pick a side!
Good point. The manufacturers wouldn't make the crap if not for the demand. I'm all for shoot'n ever one of the plandemic planners in the arse if that's what you are suggesting. I say l right side first!
I mean, Pain Killers are nothing new and the need for them also isn't new. It is largely that the manufactures knew the likelihood of dependence forming from using the products and failed (on purpose) to mention all of the dangers.
If you go to the E.R. with a broken bone how likely are you to worry about what the paper you just signed actually says? I think that I would be more focused on trying to alleviate the pain. (no chance for informed consent) They do not tell the patients that coming off the pain killer is worse than the pain they are currently experiencing. So they have you sign away your rights before even getting treatment, knowing the possible dangers of the treatment and the high likelihood of dependence on the treatment. Like heroin users are not addicted to the heroin, they are addicted to not going through the withdrawals of not using heroin after they have already used it. The heroin dealers have a one up on the manufactures as they haven't had their users sign a document that would later incriminate the living hell out of them. Instead, these manufactures tweak the heroin just enough to call it something else then make patients sign documents that say that the patients cannot go after the manufactures if anything bad should happen using their product. Had they not known of the potential side effects they might have a pass however they knowingly inserted a highly addictive substance into the market with the desire to make money. Profits over people. Worse still is they managed it into the realm of vested authority, people that no one would have any reason to be suspicious of, your family doctor, and got them to push it without disclosing all of the side effects that they already knew about.. They are Fucked, my dude. Bad.
You don't go into withdrawals from pain meds just from something like a broken bone. I suffered third degree burns on 4 fingers on my hand. I was on morphine and hydromorphone for the week I was in the hospital because of the third degree burns. Those pain meds were definitely needed, and I didn't go through withdrawals. The pain would definitely be worse than taking the pain meds in that and many other cases. Typically the physical dependence on opioids is a worry in more long-term patients, like those in general chronic pain who sometimes have to keep upping the dosages in order to continue to be effective. In those cases the doctor may lower the doses and make the patient go through some pain so that lower dosages are effective again. As someone in chronic pain, pain meds make a huge difference in my quality of life. Sure, there those that abuse the system or do become physically addicted, but until people have to live with chronic pain, they don't understand what a huge drain being in constant pain is and how much quality of life suffers for them.
I am not in anyway knocking those that require assistance in pain management. I know far too many people that have to be wholly against them. The manufactures purposefully hid information to get their product on the market, we just saw it happen again with the Jab. Neither of us are wrong here. I do also agree that there are people that abuse the system but with my own eyes I have witnessed the system abuse people. My point being, until those responsible are held accountable it creates an arena to disregard pertinent information for the sake of making money. Alternatives also exist. So like, George Floyd ODed, his fault for abusing fentanyl. The manufactures of fentanyl are also to blame for not disclosing its dangers and for pushing its use to make money. The drugs are not the problem, how they are, in some arenas, pushed onto the consumer is.
Why is it way ahead of whatever is in second place. Why do Doctors prescribe the drugs that they do? Kickbacks! It takes one Busty Blonde to convince an entire towns worth of doctors to use this pill instead of that one, with those fun little note pads and pens as a small gift that are used to further promote the drug in question. Perhaps they offer the Office a discount in the form of reimbursement. $0.05 per pill adds up, but when you can get insurance to pay higher than what the drug costs you can make some phat bucks. Everyone else is doing it so it cannot be that bad, right?
I was on yer side til ya started blaming it on Busty Blonds! I've been hood winked by Busty Blonds more times than I deserve, but have to admit I've been taken by quite a few petite brunets as well. Pick yer side!
I lost my only daughter to opioid drugs. Fentora to be exact, just another way to kill our children and ruin families. I pray daily big pharm will be destroyed along with those evils pushing the agenda.
Most of you may not know a “living hell pain!” Don’t judge so quick! It’s our responsibility to decide or not decide the risk if a real doctor prescribes it! Go after those that steal and write their own! But I’ve heard it’s allowed in prisons because of guards taking bribes so inside or outside the TRUTH….the LOVE of money is the root of all evil! Responsibility begins with each individual!
Let me say legally prescribed by a physician helps a lot of people! So the true sufferer suffers more at the hands of the evil!
People who abused opioids are responsible for the "opioid crisis". No one else.
Now people, like myself, cannot get them at all, even in the case of a legitimate and severe injury. I had a severe neck injury earlier this year to the point where moving my neck in certain directions, or putting any pressure on it at all, caused excruciating pain.
I didn't sleep more than an hour or two for several days.
My doctor wouldn't give me anything stronger than useless-ass ibuprofen, which is about as good as tossing a cup of water on a house fire.
Still fresh in my mind from watching, the Hulu series "Dopesick." A good example of wickedness and criminality by a family (Sacklers - Perdue Pharma) profiting from a concerted effort to deceive millions of people claiming that oxycontin was not addictive and using marketing techniques by aggressive sales people who were incentivized to promote false claims of safety.
They need to go after doctors too. They know how many prescriptions they have written fo any given patient. It is easier to write a Rx. then deal with the cause. Also the question is, when the owners of Bog Pharma, who knowingly manufactured the oxycodone and OxyContin were fined, and allowed to file bankruptcy, why weren’t they made to turn over ALL proceeds from the drugs, not just pay a paltry fine? They also should have been banned from any further pharmaceutical endeavor, along with any member of their family. Those funds from the fines should have been paid out to families affected by the deaths of loved one or those individuals still living and addicted. Instead I suspect the fine is paid and funneled right back to them. No one in government ever has to show proof of where these funds go. It is not easy to steal prescription pads these days. Most prescriptions are electronic, and when there were prescription pads, most doctors carried them in their pockets. Also a number is required from the doctor writing a prescription. In the day and age of computers, it is very easy to link the prescriptions of doctors to any given person or multiple persons, require a driver’s license for that person.
Look here not there! This is an, albeit obvious, attempt to pass the blame. Manufactures and Doctors need to be held accountable, the pharmacies would have never had this product to offer had it not been for its existence and those that pushed its use. I know a few people that have done time for prescription fraud, it happened before I knew them. They have told me that they would simply steal a RX pad from the doctors office or dental office and write as many non-refillable (important as a pharmacist would have caught on otherwise) prescriptions as they wanted. Then hit up all the pharmacies within a few mile radius using multiple people to fill the prescriptions and pick them up. There is no way that the pharmacies should be help liable for that, the doctors failed to protect sensitive material and failed to keep stock of their supply of prescription pads which would have alluded to fraud happening in the first place. Making their own institutions into pill mills. They should have had procedure in place to prevent such activity and failed to protect the community in their own capacity. These lawsuits will likely have NDAs attached that would make it impossible to sue anyone else after the fact while the Pharmacies would have insurance to cover the costs of any suit against them, as the Doctors would. However placing the blame on the pharmacy is a huge disservice to all of us as no "one" will receive the blame only the Corporations that are associated with them. The way this will work out is that everyone that had an actual hand in creating this disaster will be blameless under the law and only their shells will be required to pay up which they will get at a substantial discount considering the Corporation will be considered "one" against many. We have got to go for the Board of Directors of the Pharmacies if we want real results, as with the Doctors, Hospitals, Emergency Rooms and Dentists! We cannot continue to blame a building or the name of a building for the crimes of man!
I’m in favor of going after all of them, bring the whole corrupt rotten pyramid down
I am as well, but it is LAW in the United States that corporations (the brick and mortar building) assume all blame and therefore the only party that is required to pay benefits to any victims of malfeasance by the corporation.
Imagine a cruise ship runs aground and destroys property. Now imagine taking the Ship to court and suing the Ship for damages. Strange analogy as the captain of the ship would have to suffer all blame sans technical problems. This is not the case with Corporations.
When Dupont made it's employees and neighbors sick using toxic chemicals and dumping toxic chemicals the Board of Directors (Dupont's Captains, if you will) were absolved of all guilt and the Corporation itself was sued. They sued the building and not the men controlling the actions and goings on of the building. You cannot arrest a building, though I would like to see someone try.
That's just plain bassackwards think'n. It's the responsibility of the end user. Billions tied up in all the assets of folks who made a bad choice and croaked as a result. Seize all their assets and distribute them to ADL and others who have been slandered!
If you are trusting of an ABC then I think you might like reddit better! Just a suggestion.
I love the logic though: The end users were not given the opportunity for informed consent therefore whatever laws they would have been beholden to are null and void as a contract cannot be formed without it (legally) (so like, more illegal activity from the manufactures) . This would be ok for me as well as it would further implicate the manufacturers in their crimes. The guise of a vested authority has played it's course and has failed magnificently for all to see. Slander is the least of their concerns, IMO. This only teaches people not to trust the vested authority and we know what comes after all trust is lost, do we not? Meanwhile blame will be shifted to all parties not responsible for damages related to the product, which is the opposite of justice. Funny we want to hit up the gun manufactures when there is a shooting but one of the largest pandemics to plague the world happens and it is suddenly the fault of the user only. Pick a side!
Good point. The manufacturers wouldn't make the crap if not for the demand. I'm all for shoot'n ever one of the plandemic planners in the arse if that's what you are suggesting. I say l right side first!
I mean, Pain Killers are nothing new and the need for them also isn't new. It is largely that the manufactures knew the likelihood of dependence forming from using the products and failed (on purpose) to mention all of the dangers.
If you go to the E.R. with a broken bone how likely are you to worry about what the paper you just signed actually says? I think that I would be more focused on trying to alleviate the pain. (no chance for informed consent) They do not tell the patients that coming off the pain killer is worse than the pain they are currently experiencing. So they have you sign away your rights before even getting treatment, knowing the possible dangers of the treatment and the high likelihood of dependence on the treatment. Like heroin users are not addicted to the heroin, they are addicted to not going through the withdrawals of not using heroin after they have already used it. The heroin dealers have a one up on the manufactures as they haven't had their users sign a document that would later incriminate the living hell out of them. Instead, these manufactures tweak the heroin just enough to call it something else then make patients sign documents that say that the patients cannot go after the manufactures if anything bad should happen using their product. Had they not known of the potential side effects they might have a pass however they knowingly inserted a highly addictive substance into the market with the desire to make money. Profits over people. Worse still is they managed it into the realm of vested authority, people that no one would have any reason to be suspicious of, your family doctor, and got them to push it without disclosing all of the side effects that they already knew about.. They are Fucked, my dude. Bad.
You don't go into withdrawals from pain meds just from something like a broken bone. I suffered third degree burns on 4 fingers on my hand. I was on morphine and hydromorphone for the week I was in the hospital because of the third degree burns. Those pain meds were definitely needed, and I didn't go through withdrawals. The pain would definitely be worse than taking the pain meds in that and many other cases. Typically the physical dependence on opioids is a worry in more long-term patients, like those in general chronic pain who sometimes have to keep upping the dosages in order to continue to be effective. In those cases the doctor may lower the doses and make the patient go through some pain so that lower dosages are effective again. As someone in chronic pain, pain meds make a huge difference in my quality of life. Sure, there those that abuse the system or do become physically addicted, but until people have to live with chronic pain, they don't understand what a huge drain being in constant pain is and how much quality of life suffers for them.
I am not in anyway knocking those that require assistance in pain management. I know far too many people that have to be wholly against them. The manufactures purposefully hid information to get their product on the market, we just saw it happen again with the Jab. Neither of us are wrong here. I do also agree that there are people that abuse the system but with my own eyes I have witnessed the system abuse people. My point being, until those responsible are held accountable it creates an arena to disregard pertinent information for the sake of making money. Alternatives also exist. So like, George Floyd ODed, his fault for abusing fentanyl. The manufactures of fentanyl are also to blame for not disclosing its dangers and for pushing its use to make money. The drugs are not the problem, how they are, in some arenas, pushed onto the consumer is.
Well, yea...money isn't everything, but ya gotta admit it's way ahead of what ever is in second place...just say'n...kno what I mean?
Why is it way ahead of whatever is in second place. Why do Doctors prescribe the drugs that they do? Kickbacks! It takes one Busty Blonde to convince an entire towns worth of doctors to use this pill instead of that one, with those fun little note pads and pens as a small gift that are used to further promote the drug in question. Perhaps they offer the Office a discount in the form of reimbursement. $0.05 per pill adds up, but when you can get insurance to pay higher than what the drug costs you can make some phat bucks. Everyone else is doing it so it cannot be that bad, right?
I was on yer side til ya started blaming it on Busty Blonds! I've been hood winked by Busty Blonds more times than I deserve, but have to admit I've been taken by quite a few petite brunets as well. Pick yer side!
Even bigger Gorilla in the room will be Vaxx. Like to be a fly on the wall in their legal meetings.
Good bring them all down. They should be held liable for covid as well.
Agreed. In the end they are worse than the drug pushers in the streets killing the addicted.
I lost my only daughter to opioid drugs. Fentora to be exact, just another way to kill our children and ruin families. I pray daily big pharm will be destroyed along with those evils pushing the agenda.
I am sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine living with your pain.
Thank you and may God bless you.
Most of you may not know a “living hell pain!” Don’t judge so quick! It’s our responsibility to decide or not decide the risk if a real doctor prescribes it! Go after those that steal and write their own! But I’ve heard it’s allowed in prisons because of guards taking bribes so inside or outside the TRUTH….the LOVE of money is the root of all evil! Responsibility begins with each individual!
Let me say legally prescribed by a physician helps a lot of people! So the true sufferer suffers more at the hands of the evil!
Read on this app alone 5G is poisonous!
People who abused opioids are responsible for the "opioid crisis". No one else.
Now people, like myself, cannot get them at all, even in the case of a legitimate and severe injury. I had a severe neck injury earlier this year to the point where moving my neck in certain directions, or putting any pressure on it at all, caused excruciating pain.
I didn't sleep more than an hour or two for several days.
My doctor wouldn't give me anything stronger than useless-ass ibuprofen, which is about as good as tossing a cup of water on a house fire.
Will they eventually be held accountable for administering the vax that causes harm and death? Is a precedent being set by this ruling?
I like your thinking. The whole system needs to come down.
Still fresh in my mind from watching, the Hulu series "Dopesick." A good example of wickedness and criminality by a family (Sacklers - Perdue Pharma) profiting from a concerted effort to deceive millions of people claiming that oxycontin was not addictive and using marketing techniques by aggressive sales people who were incentivized to promote false claims of safety.
They need to go after doctors too. They know how many prescriptions they have written fo any given patient. It is easier to write a Rx. then deal with the cause. Also the question is, when the owners of Bog Pharma, who knowingly manufactured the oxycodone and OxyContin were fined, and allowed to file bankruptcy, why weren’t they made to turn over ALL proceeds from the drugs, not just pay a paltry fine? They also should have been banned from any further pharmaceutical endeavor, along with any member of their family. Those funds from the fines should have been paid out to families affected by the deaths of loved one or those individuals still living and addicted. Instead I suspect the fine is paid and funneled right back to them. No one in government ever has to show proof of where these funds go. It is not easy to steal prescription pads these days. Most prescriptions are electronic, and when there were prescription pads, most doctors carried them in their pockets. Also a number is required from the doctor writing a prescription. In the day and age of computers, it is very easy to link the prescriptions of doctors to any given person or multiple persons, require a driver’s license for that person.