Oh, for Pete's sake. Solar cells and wind turbines are "free energy," and what a worthless crock of shit it is. Unless you can state the physics of its availability, you are just dreaming of magic.
Have a workshop with 9 kw of solar on it to date it has produced 60,000 KW hours of power. is someone here going to tell me it took over 60,000 KW hours to create my panels and inverter that will be producing for the foreseeable future many more thousands of KW hours.
Show real documentation otherwise you are just repeating BS.
Yes wind turbines and solar cells are a net negative energy producer. And at the beginning and the end of their lifetimes are some of mans most environmentally irresponsible creations. The mining of the materials used is filthy, the disposal of units that are not recyclable a disaster.
You read it. And then explain it. No more of this arm-waving and assuming the mantle of people who are above you in their insight and accomplishments. There is plenty of energy in the universe, but it is the science of thermodynamics that makes it available.
I've read a lot about Tesla, particularly his notions for wireless transmission of electricity. But that still took an electrical power input. You want to state in a few sentences what he was thinking? If you can't, then it is pretty clear you don't know what he was thinking.
Oh, for Pete's sake. Solar cells and wind turbines are "free energy," and what a worthless crock of shit it is. Unless you can state the physics of its availability, you are just dreaming of magic.
Prove it. I hear this bullshit all the time.
Heard the same on solar Prove it.
Have a workshop with 9 kw of solar on it to date it has produced 60,000 KW hours of power. is someone here going to tell me it took over 60,000 KW hours to create my panels and inverter that will be producing for the foreseeable future many more thousands of KW hours.
Show real documentation otherwise you are just repeating BS.
The energy to build those panels both human and electric. Takes a lot of heat to make them.
Ok I will give a number how much energy does it take to make one 250 watt panel?
You must know right?
Guy in my village assures me that he has built a perendev generator that runs his house. Won't let me see it but could be true.
Or could be bullshiting
Yes wind turbines and solar cells are a net negative energy producer. And at the beginning and the end of their lifetimes are some of mans most environmentally irresponsible creations. The mining of the materials used is filthy, the disposal of units that are not recyclable a disaster.
So is hydrogen. Unless we find a new, stable and limitless source of renewable power, oil isn't going anywhere.
Browns Gas is interesting.
No. Read Nikolais work. All the energy exists.l already. It's about tapping in.
You read it. And then explain it. No more of this arm-waving and assuming the mantle of people who are above you in their insight and accomplishments. There is plenty of energy in the universe, but it is the science of thermodynamics that makes it available.
Read Teslas writings yourself, it's readily available.
I've read a lot about Tesla, particularly his notions for wireless transmission of electricity. But that still took an electrical power input. You want to state in a few sentences what he was thinking? If you can't, then it is pretty clear you don't know what he was thinking.
Lmao. Actually thinking is hard. Not for everyone.