...why does everyone think a fucking buffalo hat equals viking hat? When I saw that shitty getup I immediately though 'someone dressing up as an amerindian', not 'viking warrior'.
Proper norse helmets didn't even have horns at all. Do a search for 'Gjermundbu helmet', and 'Yarm helmet', for what a proper norse warrior would wear. The best look is when they have a maille aventail as well.
First off, I was being sarcastic and just suggesting a similar but equally absurd get up. Second off, what a weird thing to get this upset about.
"Proper norse helmets didn't even have horns at all."
Ok, but most people see them as having horns. You can blame Hollywood and comics for that one. Maybe go write a stern letter to them. If you're wondering why most would see it as a viking hat, against blame movies and TV shows for depicting them that way. (for example: How to Train Your Dragon).
btw, is your passion dressing up as a proper viking?
Perhaps Norse is part of our frens heritage. It’s no biggie… I would respect their explanation and be good with it 😁 the funniest part of it all is that the liberal sleepers literally believe that’s what we wear when getting together. My lefty fil actually asked if he could see my “horns” hahahaha! I told him they were in the shop being rotated hahahaha! Gullible as hell!
...why does everyone think a fucking buffalo hat equals viking hat? When I saw that shitty getup I immediately though 'someone dressing up as an amerindian', not 'viking warrior'.
Proper norse helmets didn't even have horns at all. Do a search for 'Gjermundbu helmet', and 'Yarm helmet', for what a proper norse warrior would wear. The best look is when they have a maille aventail as well.
First off, I was being sarcastic and just suggesting a similar but equally absurd get up. Second off, what a weird thing to get this upset about.
"Proper norse helmets didn't even have horns at all."
Ok, but most people see them as having horns. You can blame Hollywood and comics for that one. Maybe go write a stern letter to them. If you're wondering why most would see it as a viking hat, against blame movies and TV shows for depicting them that way. (for example: How to Train Your Dragon).
btw, is your passion dressing up as a proper viking?
Even the NFL Minnesota Vikings have horns painted on.
I get all my info about Viking couture from Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny. Doesn't everyone? https://www.wsj.com/articles/singers-wecall-how-elmer-fudd-bugs-bunny-tuned-them-to-wagner-roles-1463753848
Spear and Magic Hel-met!
Perhaps Norse is part of our frens heritage. It’s no biggie… I would respect their explanation and be good with it 😁 the funniest part of it all is that the liberal sleepers literally believe that’s what we wear when getting together. My lefty fil actually asked if he could see my “horns” hahahaha! I told him they were in the shop being rotated hahahaha! Gullible as hell!
What a great idea! I would love to gather with other like-minded and horn hatted people.
LoL horn hatted… only if it’s a foil horn hat lololol
Probably a history geek. I understand his pain :)
When I saw it I thought village people lol
You sound like my heathen spouse
So the Tribal Leader didn't have Texas Longhorns for headgear???
Thank you.
Even the helmets with wings, even for the leaders, are super suspect, I think. But helmets with horns are a straight up NO. Never happened.