All human interaction could be characterised as "psychological operations", it's just a detached military way of describing any activity involving human perceptions. It is very broad. So yes, of course. And this is some players disavowing because things are about to go nuclear - Nobody wants to be the spokesman/guy getting petrol bombs thrown at him by wierdos who liked the old world. Disavowal at this stage is actually a smart move (if the climax is close).
That phone call was a candid conversation without PR in mind. They weren’t prepared statements and he didn’t think anyone else would hear it.
I think we misinterpreted Flynn in the Q drops to be a white hat when he’s really just taken lead of the movement via association. The Q drops don’t really speak positive about Flynn and mainly focus on his background and associations.
The media doesn't want people looking in to Q, so they created QAnon, which they use to beat us over the head. What better way to brand us all crazy than by presenting "QAnon Shaman" to the world.
All human interaction could be characterised as "psychological operations", it's just a detached military way of describing any activity involving human perceptions. It is very broad. So yes, of course. And this is some players disavowing because things are about to go nuclear - Nobody wants to be the spokesman/guy getting petrol bombs thrown at him by wierdos who liked the old world. Disavowal at this stage is actually a smart move (if the climax is close).
This was a conversation between 2 men who know the difference between Q and “Qanon”.
That phone call was a candid conversation without PR in mind. They weren’t prepared statements and he didn’t think anyone else would hear it.
I think we misinterpreted Flynn in the Q drops to be a white hat when he’s really just taken lead of the movement via association. The Q drops don’t really speak positive about Flynn and mainly focus on his background and associations.
Q called him a hero.
Where did Q call him a hero? Q called Julian Assange and Bill Binney a hero.
The media doesn't want people looking in to Q, so they created QAnon, which they use to beat us over the head. What better way to brand us all crazy than by presenting "QAnon Shaman" to the world.
If saying "qanon is total nonsense" is what it takes to confuse the enemy and save us all from disaster...then so be it.
It's not "harder to spin". The argument isn't weak.
It's all laid out in the OP.