Good one. It's the only way to get the FBI to do anything. Just whisper Trump might have been involved and they will spare no expense. Hunter Biden could confess to all allegations on the front page of the NYT and they'd ignore it completely. If he did it on Twitter, they'd censor him for making false statements.
Now this is brilliant.
FBI too busy setting up school shootings. Maybe if there was a noose around the laptop.
Maybe we could send a tip that the laptop was being used to shit post on twitter.
This is fight up there with draft our daughters…
Yes I like it too, except the FBI knows there isn't and will never investigate.
Since Trump is so sneaky, everything on the laptop should be investigated to be sure we find what trump did.
Be careful! He might have used codenames... like "The Big Guy".
We can't let anything go by without close scrutiny.
That's the only way it will be investigated.
Orange Man might even have...gotten THREE SCOOPS!
Top Kek! Yes indeed, we must investigate!
Fucking Brilliant!!!!
Proof that POTUS taught Hunter how to paint!
they already know what's on it, DC runs on blackmail, they are all shit eaters
They teased the bad guys into thinking the suppression system was up and working within the corrupted network. If it soundly worked on me...
Edit: I often wrote things innocently and only see the double meaning when I reread them. Sometimes to my own surprise.
Good one. It's the only way to get the FBI to do anything. Just whisper Trump might have been involved and they will spare no expense. Hunter Biden could confess to all allegations on the front page of the NYT and they'd ignore it completely. If he did it on Twitter, they'd censor him for making false statements.
Lol top kek!
Dis is da way brodda
This is the way Pedes. This kind of stuff. Push it!
Ahhhhhh!!! I see what you’re doing, you sly genius
Could you imagine in everyone here made this trend on twit?
Good thinking........
Tell them it has gay porn on it.
Yes, yes... investigate every bit and byte. Painstakenly dump every bit bucket... We must find the Patriot's crimes. /s
There's proof of a white supremacy coup on his laptop
Bingo! The missing piece!
I’m seein what you’re throwin-down kudos!