If SOME of the athletes in the videos DO NOT have the vaccine, doesn't that mean some DO have the vaccine? Or at least we don't know the vaccination status of the other athletes? And wouldn't that be circumstantial evidence that the vaccine could have been related to the collapse of otherwise healthy athletes?
This is a self-own if I've ever seen one.
What's sad is ever since the buzzfeed phenomenon of putting opinion conclusions in factual headlines, no one but us reads articles anymore. Just headlines.
“Some of the videos also featured athletes who had not received the COVID-19 vaccines, both report.”
So many possible word games here. The videos also featured athletes who didn’t collapse. If a video contains one athlete collapsing, then most of the athletes in that video didn’t collapse- they just became onlookers. Is it the non-collapsing onlookers who had not received COVID-19 vaccines? It’s hard to tell from this report.
Notice how they say “vaccines” plural. Does that mean multiple vaccines for multiple people, or multiple vaccines for one person? It’s hard to tell. Are they saying that a collapsing athlete might not have received all of the doses of vaccines, and therefore he doesn’t count as fully vaccinated? I want some better proof that clean-blooded athletes are collapsing, because these claims aren’t compelling or credible.
Of course, why weren’t athletes collapsing at this rate in the pre-vaxx years? Dehydration and overheating have always been issues; they aren’t unique to 2021.
All of them are vaccinated. None of them had previously cardiac issues.
God someone burn down these fake news outlets
Quite the research team.
Yeah but talk about the heart attacks that never happened before you disingenuous fucks.
Must be them pesky rare winter blood clots
I call bs
If SOME of the athletes in the videos DO NOT have the vaccine, doesn't that mean some DO have the vaccine? Or at least we don't know the vaccination status of the other athletes? And wouldn't that be circumstantial evidence that the vaccine could have been related to the collapse of otherwise healthy athletes?
This is a self-own if I've ever seen one.
What's sad is ever since the buzzfeed phenomenon of putting opinion conclusions in factual headlines, no one but us reads articles anymore. Just headlines.
Oh so now we can all relax and move on OKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAy NCSWIC
“Some of the videos also featured athletes who had not received the COVID-19 vaccines, both report.”
So many possible word games here. The videos also featured athletes who didn’t collapse. If a video contains one athlete collapsing, then most of the athletes in that video didn’t collapse- they just became onlookers. Is it the non-collapsing onlookers who had not received COVID-19 vaccines? It’s hard to tell from this report.
Notice how they say “vaccines” plural. Does that mean multiple vaccines for multiple people, or multiple vaccines for one person? It’s hard to tell. Are they saying that a collapsing athlete might not have received all of the doses of vaccines, and therefore he doesn’t count as fully vaccinated? I want some better proof that clean-blooded athletes are collapsing, because these claims aren’t compelling or credible.
Of course, why weren’t athletes collapsing at this rate in the pre-vaxx years? Dehydration and overheating have always been issues; they aren’t unique to 2021.
Splain this: https://goldenageofgaia.com/2021/11/30/athletes-who-have-allegedly-been-injured-by-or-succumbed-to-vaccination/
What regulators and fact checkers? One guy wrote this znd claims he actually did research.
Next article will be how the experts and fact checkers deny the sun rise.
Here's another today with no evidence:
Thanks OP.
Collection of Athlete CoVax Articles.