It’s funny too how their “facts” keep getting more and more abstract and generic. Trump “sought a pay day”. Trump “welcomed” help. They are basically in a position now where they have to back up so far from any specific claim that they are just saying shit now that means almost nothing, but you as the reader are allowed to fill it in with whatever you want. No court is going to say, “Trump - we find you guilty of welcoming!” So there’s no charge there really, but a deranged double-injected TDS leftist steaming behind their mask will read this and picture all sorts of smoky back room, gangster-style conspiracy scenes that make Trump look bad. And it’s all encoded behind words like “welcoming”.
They do this with “racism” too. Their charges have gotten so weak that articles frequently won’t even repeat what was specifically said that is causing such “outrage”. Instead they will provide a negative descriptor of the comments like, “They posted a white supremacist image” or, “They used an anti-Semitic slur.” But they will never show the image or repeat the slur. They want the reader to fill that in for themselves with whatever the worst thing they imagine is. They do this because if they had to show that the “white supremacist image” was just a meme of Pepe eating ice cream and the “anti-Semitic” slur was “elf on the shelf” then it suddenly doesn’t look and sound that bad, even to normies, and the accusers end up looking hysterical, petty, and unserious.
I see this as good news as it gives Durham more time to work and the shock of the big name arrests will be so much more shocking to those in that bubble.
Frum has had a raging case of TDS for over five years and no sign of the fever breaking. I used to read the Atlantic to get a view from the otherside, but the quality of their writing went to hell with TDS infections so much that I couldn't do it anymore.
Shame, because while I don't share their political opinions,
there was a time when they could publish some good stuff. The last decent thing I can remember reading was after all the people got busted for cheating to get their kids into name brand colleges; one of the writers used to work in a private school setting in LA working with getting the kids ready to apply for college and was ecstatic that the bust had finally happened because it was so obnoxious- it was really interesting insight. Another example of everything woke turns to shit...
David, if you are so sure of your assertions, then you should have no problem at all disclosing to us who is paying your salary. We know you won't and that's no problem, cause we already know; the clinton crime family foundation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Evil Inc.
Does this dude really think that just because he begins every sentence with "It remains fact" that it remains fact because that is really funny. I'll tell you a fact - Trump Won!!!
A fact cannot can "remain fact" any more than a fact can be proved false. The truth does not come and go, it is or is not. If a claim has been proved false, then it was was never a fact, merely a false claim. If Mr. Frum's claims do "remain" then those claims are false.
Clean up on aisle 4, lots of trying to get ahead of SHTF before it does HAHAHAHAHA they know we know and the rest of the world is about to find out. Rats panicking LOL
First of all, the title of the article is “It Wasn’t a Hoax,” referring to the Russian collusion BS that they’ve pushed for 5 years.
Second, they are doubling down on the debunked Steele Dossier, paid for by Hillary Clinton.
Notice how each sentence starts with, “It remains fact...” and then Frum tells a blatant lie.
This is PURE PANIC right here. It appears they are starting to realize that nothing can stop what is coming.
You can read the full article here:
It’s funny too how their “facts” keep getting more and more abstract and generic. Trump “sought a pay day”. Trump “welcomed” help. They are basically in a position now where they have to back up so far from any specific claim that they are just saying shit now that means almost nothing, but you as the reader are allowed to fill it in with whatever you want. No court is going to say, “Trump - we find you guilty of welcoming!” So there’s no charge there really, but a deranged double-injected TDS leftist steaming behind their mask will read this and picture all sorts of smoky back room, gangster-style conspiracy scenes that make Trump look bad. And it’s all encoded behind words like “welcoming”.
They do this with “racism” too. Their charges have gotten so weak that articles frequently won’t even repeat what was specifically said that is causing such “outrage”. Instead they will provide a negative descriptor of the comments like, “They posted a white supremacist image” or, “They used an anti-Semitic slur.” But they will never show the image or repeat the slur. They want the reader to fill that in for themselves with whatever the worst thing they imagine is. They do this because if they had to show that the “white supremacist image” was just a meme of Pepe eating ice cream and the “anti-Semitic” slur was “elf on the shelf” then it suddenly doesn’t look and sound that bad, even to normies, and the accusers end up looking hysterical, petty, and unserious.
We are swimming in so much powerful minutae.
I was gonna say, it seems like Frum's app got stuck in a loop or he's experiencing "Groundhog Day" or something.
I see this as good news as it gives Durham more time to work and the shock of the big name arrests will be so much more shocking to those in that bubble.
Article by David Frum.
Every. Fucking. Time.
Seriously, every, fucking time. Are they knowingly doing this?
“Quick, we’ve been found out! To the grabblecopter!”
Good question to ask the judge in the Jizzlaine Maxwell trial.
🎵 Nobody nose the trouble they've been...
🎵 Nobody nose but Jesus.
Dude was a speechwriter for GWB. Media fags always have some kind of connection to the DS.
With every lie,they dig their grave deeper. To quote Q:"These people are stupid"
At this point for so many of them it's all or nothing. They might as well go all in and throw wild Hail Satan passes.
beating a dead horse
Frum is scum
From wikipedia article on the author:
"Born in Toronto, Ontario to a Jewish family,"
Every f**king time.
Doubling down on a proven lie, bold strategy...
Who cares what they think steam roll over them, let the chips fall where they may.
When it's over put American idol reruns on and the left will forget in about a week.
Frum has had a raging case of TDS for over five years and no sign of the fever breaking. I used to read the Atlantic to get a view from the otherside, but the quality of their writing went to hell with TDS infections so much that I couldn't do it anymore.
Shame, because while I don't share their political opinions, there was a time when they could publish some good stuff. The last decent thing I can remember reading was after all the people got busted for cheating to get their kids into name brand colleges; one of the writers used to work in a private school setting in LA working with getting the kids ready to apply for college and was ecstatic that the bust had finally happened because it was so obnoxious- it was really interesting insight. Another example of everything woke turns to shit...
David, if you are so sure of your assertions, then you should have no problem at all disclosing to us who is paying your salary. We know you won't and that's no problem, cause we already know; the clinton crime family foundation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Evil Inc.
Does this dude really think that just because he begins every sentence with "It remains fact" that it remains fact because that is really funny. I'll tell you a fact - Trump Won!!!
A fact cannot can "remain fact" any more than a fact can be proved false. The truth does not come and go, it is or is not. If a claim has been proved false, then it was was never a fact, merely a false claim. If Mr. Frum's claims do "remain" then those claims are false.
Archived version:
Sue him into oblivion
I LOVE the smell of panic in the morning :)
So weird how those “facts” got debunked years ago with actual EVIDENCE.
I read this and right away I think of "Help I've fallen and I can't get up", they are sinking fast.
I DNS block the Atlantic with my router. Same with all other mainstream media sites - so thanks for the image.
Clean up on aisle 4, lots of trying to get ahead of SHTF before it does HAHAHAHAHA they know we know and the rest of the world is about to find out. Rats panicking LOL
The Atlantic is probably one of the biggest trash heaps out there. But liberals love it.
It says IDEAS at the top, meaning there's no facts or evidence backing it up. It's all opinion journalism.
Fiction can be fun!