Thank you for taking the time to contact my administration regarding my recent veto of Senate Bill 565.
Each year, there are more than 1,600 victims of gun violence in Pennsylvania. These victims and communities deserve to have meaningful legislation passed to address the scourge of gun violence. This legislation, which eliminates the requirement for individuals to obtain a license before carrying a concealed firearm, will only exacerbate gun violence and jeopardize the safety of all Pennsylvanians. Removal of the licensing background investigation will hinder the ability of law enforcement to prevent individuals who should not be able to carry a firearm concealed from doing so. Domestic abusers and other dangerous criminals should not have the ability to carry hidden weapons in our communities.
I would like to make it clear that this veto will have no effect on the 1.3 million Pennsylvanians who currently posses a legal license to carry a firearm.
I support many public policy proposals that would address the urgent issue of gun violence, including safe storage legislation, extreme risk protection orders, enhanced reporting requirements for lost or stolen guns, and closing gaps in the background check system. Unfortunately, this bill would make gun violence worse and would put law enforcement officers at greater risk of harm. The Pennsylvania Chiefs of Police Association and the Pennsylvania District Attorneys Association both oppose this legislation and there are no law enforcement organizations in Pennsylvania that support this bill. I stand with them, domestic abuse survivors and advocates, responsible gun owners, and victims of gun violence who have expressed their opposition to this dangerous bill.
For up-to-date press releases concerning my administration's initiatives, please visit, follow me on Twitter at @GovernorTomWolf, on Facebook at, I also encourage you to visit any of Pennsylvania state agencies' websites for their daily press releases
Please note that this email comes from an unmonitored account. If you would like to get in touch, please use the Contact Us page.
Can't wait to vote this freak out of office.
DON'T wait. There's no need to and frankly, there is too much waiting on the part of and good will of, the people. Whenever someone who has taken an oath to uphold the constitution, as this guy did, violates that oath (as he did here) than he has effectively 'vacated' his position and needs to go or, if necessary, be removed. That is the constitution.
He can't run again but he's definitely going to try some bullshit on his way out
I have a real problem when people talk about victims of gun violence.
There's roughly ~15,000 people who die from guns every year in the US.
Compare that with the Jewish, Armenian, and now Uyghur Genocide where the people being killed by their government have no guns.
It would take 400 years for the US to catch up to 5 years of Genocide in WWII, or 100 to Armenian and Uyghur Genocide.
Fuck this garbage. Most people who are shot probably deserve it.
It's like how they keep bringing up rape or incest as justification for easy abortion but the number of such cases per year are miniscule and the vast majority of abortions are born out of carelessness.
Well "HE" says so... it MUST be true!
Pittsburgher here. Screw Wolf and screw the hundreds of swamp creatures in Allegheny County that committed treason on Nov 3rd 2020
It's not a hard formula. People think twice about shooting normal citizens when you don't know who is packing. Criminals carry either way.
Dear Gov. Wolf,
In light of the fact that you have violated your oath to the US Constitution, you have chosen to vacate your position as Governor. We the people know and understand our constitutional rights and we know and understand your constitutional limitations. Please leave your office immediately so your replacement can assume the position.
We knew that he would do this. It is now up to the general assembly to pass this with I believe a 60% majority to override governor weasel's veto.
I'm sorry but 1600 victims in a state with ~12 million people... Not that worried.
What a faggot.