I am a healthcare worker employed at Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL. I am unvaxed. 4 of 5 family members had horrible adverse reactions to the poisonous jab. 2 people with strokes, 1 paralyzed vocal chord, and the last with what I am sure was myocarditis. With my employers knowing this were still forcing the Vax. “Come on its just Russian Roullette” So you can imagine my happiness when the Federal judge stopped the CMS mandate. I thought I was safe, at least temporarily. I get a email late afternoon yesterday telling me I have to vax Friday(today now) by noon or go on final warning. I am hearing rumors that they will just fire staff on Final Notice. Florida is a right to work state and they don’t need a reason to fire you.
My question…. Is Mayo Clinic allowed to ignore Federal ruling and continue to force vaccines? I barely make it paycheck to paycheck. I am now paying large medical bill from vax injury. I can’t afford to lose my job. Any legal Eagles know if they can do this. I can’t afford a lawyer and don’t know if Mayo can just fire me for whatever reason they want.
Help! SOS - - - . . . - - -
Fuck the Mayo Clinic. They’re forcing organ list patients to get vaxxed to get a life saving fucking organ they need. They are a piece of shit.
They only care for money.
As a worker in Florida how is this continuing to happen if the State passed a law specifically precluding employer actions to mandate the vaccine? Report it to the state.
Laws and mandates only matter if they are enforced.
Florida is shifty!!!
I’d put yourself immediately on Craigslist as a medical worker that makes house calls. Charge $100-hr or per visit.
I know it's hard to take the long view here, but unjabbed healthcare workers will be seriously needed next year and it might be properly recompensed and secure.
Your next employer and their patients will know that you are not infectious, not likely to get ill, and have a strong conscience and good medical instincts.
The jabbed healthcare workers may have all sorts of physical and psychological issues next year.
Which states are protecting unvaccinated workers?
Now, four Republican-led states have changed their unemployment insurance rules to protect workers who oppose vaccination requirements by ensuring that they can collect jobless aid. As of this month, Florida, Iowa, Kansas and Tennessee have each amended their laws around unemployment insurance.
Go get unemployment till this blows over.
We cannot allow ourselves over to the will of man. We have a clear example as to why!
Walk away.
Have Faith that the Heavenly Father will lead you to something better. The first step is always most difficult. With what is happening with the "Federal" Government I do not know that they have any real pull to say or do anything.
Do report them though
One missed paycheck we are homeless, food less, and no medical. Not an option.
is being dead or permanently deformed better than those options? I'll pray for you though
One shot and you might be dead or paralyzed. The legal situations could take weeks to years to be settled, if they ever are. Mayo has said themselves that you are welcome to not comply but it will cost you your job.
Report and apply for exemption yesterday but you are correct with FL being a right to work state and them being able to fire you for anything and without notice.
Start applying for new jobs now! YOU can find something else! Food shelters and the like exist to help people in situations like yours for eating. You can be up to a month late on your utility bills and a few months late on car payments. Cancel everything that you do not need for survival NOW!
YOU can do this! It might not be the easiest thing you have ever done but you can!
When you are negotiating, it is good to know what your alternative is if the other side doesn't compromise. The weather in Florida is much much nicer than most of the world. I'd like to believe I'd be able to choose temporary homelessness in Florida over a vaccine taken under duress. You CAN survive and bounce back if it ever comes to temporary homelessness, but you are also correct to be unwilling to accept that and fight like a lion to prevent this from happening.
It has been people like you standing up strong that has reversed mandates in other companies.
Florida seems to be the best state you could live in for support, so you have things going for you.
This is a spiritual battle too, so, yes, get a lawyer, but pray about that and ask everyone you trust to pray as well.
I'll be praying for strength and wisdom for you.
Aren't there time frames before eviction, and food banks? Relatives, friends? All you need is a few weeks of tiding over until you get another job.
Praying. If your conscience informs you to not get the jab, you are beholden to your conscience.
I stand all alone.
Jesus went to the cross for you alone. Rosa Parks sat alone in her bus seat. There is power in a strong person standing alone. May God protect you and your family.
May the Lord Bless you and keep you, and He will.
You're not alone, fren.. You have an army of prayer Pepes behind you.
You should also apply for cvid assistance through all of the utilities that offer and let any creditors know your situation as well, this can help to buy you some time on payments
It would be best to walk away and sue the fuck out of them.
I have contacted a law office.
Yet there is another thing to consider. If you comply whats next? Will you have to take all the other jabs that are to come? What else might they make you do? After all that they still can fire you for any reason. There have been posts from people who got real sick from the shot so the employer fired them anyway and in doing so they lost their healthcare.
Private Employer COVID-19 vaccine mandates are prohibited.
Mayo might fall under public charity. Though I am seeing it considered private in Minnesota.
Seems they might just be private and hemorrhaging money https://www.mprnews.org/story/2020/04/10/mayo-clinic-announces-sweeping-pay-cuts-furloughs Abandon ship! Some how they say they are doing much better in 2021
Jeff Childers Florida Lawyer Go Here!
Good read. Notes taken. Thank you!
I hope this helps and does not add more confusion:
Final warning. I call your bluff. Scared as Hell, but don’t tread on me.
I worked at Mayo Clinic Rochester for 9 years and I am so glad I am not there anymore. I hope you get this squared away!
I really appreciate all of the comments. 🤙🌊🏄 🇺🇸❤️
20-guage, I just want to thank you for that information you gave to Waveslider619. Your dedication compiling information like that is brilliant. Thanks,fren.
Your blood is worth bottling,fren,well done!
Thank you fellow Patriot!
Also consider immediately filing a medical or religious exemption. In addition, ensure you send HR the recent federal legal ruling stating that the Pfizer vaccine is not an FDA approved vaccine and all vaccines are still under EUA, make sure you can prove they received it. Also FLA passed some sort of law that restricts this sort of activity, you may want to send that along to HR as well. Good luck.
Thank you for this post!
And, document EVERYTHING!
Family member.
Family members