Exactly. I caught the covid last January (sick for a month) and haven't been sick with ANYTHING in almost 2 years. I never believe the stories of "I got it multiple times! This will never end!" bullshit, because my personal experience says otherwise. Once you get it, the antibodies created by it protects you from a host of other shit as well.
Same. Hubby and I had it last December. Ran into an old friend at Walgreens yesterday waiting in line for a booster. He said, "I can't understand what the reason to NOT get shot is!" And so I told him. It looked like he was trying to process the info and I sure hope it sunk in, but at this point that's on him.
I too was sick for 17 days. I did get the J&J vaccine 90 days later just because I never wanted to get that sick again. I now think the vaccine was a mistake. If the CDC would have been honest and stated formally that Covid immunity happens naturally I wouldn't have gotten the jab.
i traveled internationally latter half of 2019. when i got home, i had a nasty bronchitis type illness that lasted many weeks, like couple months. Seemed like it wouldn't go away. surprise to me, last two years not sick. i always manage to get something every year, but not 2020 or 2021. i have wondered if it could have been covid. if it was, i seem to have a lot of new-to-me immunity against respiratory illnesses.
Me too. You can get a simple blood test to find the antibodies which I did. I sent a copy to my employer stating that I wouldn’t take a vaccine for something that I already had immunity from!
Exactly. I caught the covid last January (sick for a month) and haven't been sick with ANYTHING in almost 2 years. I never believe the stories of "I got it multiple times! This will never end!" bullshit, because my personal experience says otherwise. Once you get it, the antibodies created by it protects you from a host of other shit as well.
Its as if immune systems didnt exist pre 2019
They sure as hell don't after getting injected, that's for sure. :o(
Same. Hubby and I had it last December. Ran into an old friend at Walgreens yesterday waiting in line for a booster. He said, "I can't understand what the reason to NOT get shot is!" And so I told him. It looked like he was trying to process the info and I sure hope it sunk in, but at this point that's on him.
"I can't understand...”
Let me stop you right there.
Your inability to understand, shouldn’t be worn as a badge of honor.
EXACTLY! And I'm stealing this comment and using it the first chance I get.
I too was sick for 17 days. I did get the J&J vaccine 90 days later just because I never wanted to get that sick again. I now think the vaccine was a mistake. If the CDC would have been honest and stated formally that Covid immunity happens naturally I wouldn't have gotten the jab.
Immunity to just about anything happens naturally after exposure, but I'm glad you found your way and hope the best for you.
i traveled internationally latter half of 2019. when i got home, i had a nasty bronchitis type illness that lasted many weeks, like couple months. Seemed like it wouldn't go away. surprise to me, last two years not sick. i always manage to get something every year, but not 2020 or 2021. i have wondered if it could have been covid. if it was, i seem to have a lot of new-to-me immunity against respiratory illnesses.
Me too. You can get a simple blood test to find the antibodies which I did. I sent a copy to my employer stating that I wouldn’t take a vaccine for something that I already had immunity from!
I never caught it and I live in the most densely populated part of the country. And work in close proximity to hundreds of people in close quarters.
Immune system trumps all.