I am not a mod so if they remove this post, then that's that. At this point however I am asking that the community treat non-voting the same as dooming.
In 2016 Trump overcame the cheat. Dominion was still there in that election. Looking back, we should have demanded an audit, but oh well.
I understand some of you don't feel confident in the system. The problem is, that's exactly what they want. For you to give up and never vote again and if that's your position, you aren't needed here. In fact, you're causing more noise than what it is worth.
We are in the final phase of the plan that involves US the people getting involved on the ground taking back local politics. Not voting is directly counter to that effort and cannot be allowed to permeate here.
Expressing your discontent and asking for encouragement to get out and vote is perfectly fine and encouraged. But proudly touting you aren't voting and/or asking others not to vote will not be tolerated and I will come after you. My deport button is primed and ready.
Will Dominion still be counting the votes? Asking for a fren.
Even if they are, it changes nothing. If you aren't voting, you aren't welcome here. Plain and simple.
WWG1WGA ... unless GoingCamaro says otherwise.
nah fam delete this
I do not go with non-voters and doomers nor will I tolerate their noise here.
I get it. But they're totally welcome here too.
If you disagree with them, disagree with them openly, with civil discourse. You may help them realize they're wrong that way.
That's idiotic. This hyper tolerance, even for those who actively try to harm us, is pathetic spineless garbage.
How the fuck does tolerating active demoralization of our community help us? Have you learned nothing from the past 60 years of western decline?
We MUST set clear boundaries, and enforce them.
bruh I have no problem telling people they are fucking retarded here. Don't get me mixed up.
OK, is everyone as resilient as you? Why should we allow such a poisonous message, that serves zero productive purpose to be inflicted on our already weary friends?
I dont advocate for this lightly, and of course we shouldn't just ban anyone who expresses hopelessness about the voting system, but anyone purposely pouring salt in that wound needs to go.
I thought everyone was welcomed here. And people wonder why this board is sucking lately....
Nope, this is a Q board, and we have a goal.
Do you accept active drug users into a halfway house meant to support drug abstinence?
Where did anyone indicate "everyone is welcome"? Where in the rules located in the sidebar does it say that?
Voting in massive numbers is what it takes to expose the fraud. Low turnout makes it much easier to generate fake voting numbers that still look plausible.
Think about it, there is no way Biden received vote totals that surpassed BO’s 2008 numbers. But 74 million real, legal Trump voters turned out and forced the DS to generate impossible numbers of fake votes.
So yes, vote, but do it with your eyes wide open, knowing the real victory might be exposing fraud.
Thank you. Could not have said it better.
Also I think trumps real numbers were closer to 100 million when you take all the vote switching into account.
That's my interpretation, but it's not officially stated.
With that logic, trump should be in the white house right now. So, what do we need to overcome? 1 billion ? Maybe 2 billion votes? Ever hear of flipping votes?
It is paramount to fix 2020, it has to be done. The problem with sitting out 2022 is it only benefits the DS because it makes stealing elections that much easier. Make it hard, make them suffer, and make it obvious they are cheating.
We came within 42,000 votes across three states of defeating the largest election fraud organization in the history of this country. Granted with the flipping algorithms we probably would have needed more like 50,000 votes, to scratch out narrow victories.
I’m not naive, they’ll still try to steal every seat they can and in some cases will be successful. But the one thing we should never do is make it easy on them.
You still believe that they actually count the votes? Ok, did you hear that on CNN?
Don’t come in here putting everybody on blast with authoritarian Dick-tater bullshit. I get your point but that kind of shit ain’t gonna fly here. You earned a down-vote for delivery.
Got something constructive to add here digital smart ass? If not, GFY.
Banning non-voters is constructive. They are arguably worse than doomers.
I’m more inclined to convince them otherwise with a sound argument. You’ll gain motivated voters that way and it spreads to others. We’re gonna need all we can get if Dominion stays in service.
Authoritarian, much? good grief, 1A is intact here, I thought.
You thought completely wrong. We have rules here. You should read them. This is not a 1A safe space and rightly so.
Gay and lame. I have thought about not voting. I can tell you for certain I will not vote for a single RINO. MAGA only. Anyone that doesn't publicly align themselves with MAGA will not get my vote. I don't give a shit about a Repub majority. Not one deepstater will get my vote.
That is not the same as not voting and I completely agree with you. If your candidate does not win a Primary, do a write-in. At the very least participating in the process is still just as important.
Not voting is NOT an option.
ok I take back the gay and lame part. :)
I’ll approve for you all to discuss. This is something Patriots should work on Together! Because it’s going to have to be fixed and decided upon State by State and Country by Country. A fair discussion to ask for her Anon-Camaro.
That's all I can really ask and expect. Thank you.
Well I feel negativity does not help the situation right now. We are experiencing many wins. I don't know when we will see the end of this movie and many people have been waiting much longer than I. Let's try to be positive and lift each others spirits. Voting is very important. We can't think could of, should of, would of. Move forward soldiers. A HUGE win is in our future. No matter what GodAlwaysWins!
And that's why I am calling an end to all non-voters. All of what you said does not matter if people don't vote.
I agree. Not voting is stupid. We didn't come this far for nothing.
Yep, and shills are actively running a demoralization campaign against this board to spread hopelessness and promote not voting.
Its fucking poison for our community and it cannot be tolerated.
But the shills piggyback on naive pedes love of 1A to trick them into supporting their own destruction. Exactly like what happened to western culture over the past 60 years. Our ideals are used to cripple us.
"that's exactly what they want"
Get denied that mall cop job?
Something like that.
Q died and made someone king ?
Nope! But allow me to tell you why.
Trump's first run was protected. They couldn't get the data necessary to fudge the numbers which is why the last run everything went everywhere. I remember reading that Italy or Spain had the numbers before we did. None of that matters because of the Electoral College. They get to vote how they wish and their vote TRUMPS your vote. Always has and it isn't a bad thing. Biden was given his position as have those before him. Voting is how they can claim that you comply with their decisions, the politicians. We are a Constitutional Republic with specific laws for the people. We choose the people that we want to represent us, this was because to travel to D.C. was impossible for everyone, in speaking on our behalf to the powers that be at the top. What way we want this ship to operate. Lawmakers infiltrated those positions and with a lil slick wiggling have just about given person-hood to corporations in a way that they would be recognized as Human entities. The SOUL PURPOSE of our government is to reign in corporations to prevent a situational Monarchy, YOU ARE IN ONE NOW! The corporations hold all the power because they took it from WE THE PEOPLE! We let them. Our bad!
If everyone failed to vote the voter fraud could not be denied, it would be clear as day, furthermore those responsible for fraud we be caught with their hands in the cookie jar. (Catch 22, they cannot claim fraud because they deny that it exists so they couldn't bump the opponents numbers up they would be forced to vote as they always have and if no one votes with them then BINGO!) How often has their been an accusation of voter fraud where real evidence was put forth and nothing happened? Think of all the dead voters, think of all the double/triple counted votes. If you vote you comply with this system and it will be allowed to continue.
It is a free country so please do as you wish though! Just food for thought.
Do you want a Big Mac or a McChicken? Because that’s your only two options. We control both sides and leverage them against each other to generate revenue. So. Shut the fuck up and comply. Push the red button on your favorite character. It’s all rigged and a front for the real board of directors
How is 'ranked choice voting' audited? how is it counted? Who programs the calculating machines?