My understanding is that Hitler arrested Baron Louis de Rothschild and expelled the banking cartel from his country. Why would a roth puppet do such a thing?
I suppose if you want to classify survival as winning, then yes, at the tactical level an individual or group or country might be considered a winner in a relative sense. I’m thinking more on a strategic level.
I suppose you may survive and “win”, but better your home is not bombed into oblivion so a war profiteer can get a new yacht.
Correct. However, history is then sometimes rewritten by the losers.
For example, the German socialists lost WW2, but they have rewritten history so that now most normies think the German socialists were right wing.
Hitler was a Rothchild sock puppet. Prescott Bush was a Satanist.
Any narrative of WW2 has to include those facts.
Who REALLY won the War?
My understanding is that Hitler arrested Baron Louis de Rothschild and expelled the banking cartel from his country. Why would a roth puppet do such a thing?
lol this is the fake history I am referring to ^
Who REALLY won WW2 ?
How the fuck is that fake history just because you say it is, lol. You're using the same D&C tactics they do.
Oh well Ian, name definitely checks out.
Oh and to your question, The Bolsheviks along with the papacy, the zionists and a few banker bois won WWII
The only “winner” in any war is the ones who instigated it for gain or pleasure. All the other participants are losers.
Unless you’re fighting for your own survival. Do or die.
I suppose if you want to classify survival as winning, then yes, at the tactical level an individual or group or country might be considered a winner in a relative sense. I’m thinking more on a strategic level.
I suppose you may survive and “win”, but better your home is not bombed into oblivion so a war profiteer can get a new yacht.
The banks. Every time a fiat currency system is about to collapse, they instigate a war.
"Hitler was a Rothchild sock puppet" Is a really, REALLY low IQ take