Might you be implying, amongst others, this is a battle of good vs evil? Not so "sleepy" there, op. The "invisible" enemy is being exposed on all fronts. Excellent post
John the Baptist said he washes Man with water, but one will come who will wash Man with the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Some denominations take that two ways, others include it in the same Rite.
What you may call a Baptism is actually a consolidation of Baptism and Confirmation. Before the Reformation, they were separate sacraments in the vast majority of congregations.
In Orthodox, Catholicism, and Episcopalian denominations it is still this way.
For them, Baptism is the reception of the Holy Spirit, which cleanses the soul of Original Sin. We can debate what Original Sin is, but in short it's just the fallen nature of Man to put the SELF before all other things, namely God (Love). This is in line with John the Baptist's actions and critical message of Repentance.
Confirmation is the personal acceptance of the Holy Spirit, much like in the way you depict Baptism. It is performed at Pentecost, in line with when the Apostles received the tongues of flame above their heads and began to speak among the people in the universal language of Truth. This is in line with Jesus' promise that he shall not leave us as orphans.
In summary, the debate is lamentably semantic. I hold neither interpretation in higher esteem, but I have my preference, if only because it is the careful option.
Just because you can do two steps in a LEGO instruction manual at the same time, doesn't mean you HAVE to. It also doesn't mean you DON'T HAVE to either.
If we go by chronology, Baptism being for cleansing the young of their Original Sin and Confirmation being the acceptance of the Holy Spirit (and the mission of spreading the Good News of our Savior, Jesus Christ) has been around longer.
Spiritually, however, I will readily concede that Baptism Rites undergone by Protestant denominations are far more spiritual and life-changing than the suffocate-ingly formal sacrament of Confirmation.
Either way, there are still those who grow up "in the Faith" that aren't truly Christian, regardless of denomination.
They go through the motions mostly due to peer pressure and because they've known nothing else their entire lives. Some could say that THAT is the Original Sin, as it is the proliferation of the "Sins of our Father" (Adam) being forced upon our young -- coercing them to believe what we do, flawed or not, rather than encouraging them to find the Truth on their own with careful guidance.
Sending your kids to school or homeschooling your kids is wrong. Parents can't choose an education for their kids and that's what sending them to school tries to do.
You see how dumb your logic is? Why wouldn't you get your children baptized? Unless of course you think baptism means salvation, because it doesn't it is just one of the steps Christ commanded us to do. Protestantism is the new age movement in the history of Christianity that has people trying to say infant baptism is wrong when you look all through out history even in Acts children were being baptized!
I said nothing about children, I said INFANTS. Babies can not acknowledge what Christ did on the cross, and in essence can not consent to what baptism is.
God has NO grandchildren, only children. Parents don’t get to make the choice for their kids to follow Jesus.
Btw I’m not a “Protestant”, I’m a follower of Christ.
Are infants not children? They surely are not adults.
And you are a Protestant, even more so if you are the "just Jesus and me" type. Which honestly is really depressing because you are missing out on the fulness of the Christian faith and a wonderful relationship with God and all of the believers.
A six month old human can not comprehend Christ’s sacrifice, a six year old human can.
That’s the difference here.
I stand by what I said about infant baptism.
And when did baptism save you? I do not remember reading that in the bible. As far as I understand Prots see it as nothing more than a public statement of faith.
Last I checked Acts 16:33 confirms infant baptism.
Every religion on paper is "good," otherwise God wouldn't have permitted it to grow.
When people get involved, however... That's when everything goes to shit.
Jesus didn't outright say the Pharisee order was evil. He preached among them, had respect for the Temple of Solomon, and even had dinner with them in their own homes.
When they started making up rules by taking Moses' teachings out of context to suit their own wants and desires, THAT'S when he took out the whip to exorcise them from his Father's house.
Catholicism went to shit because all the shitty people rose to the top (as they are wont to do) and everyone who had the gumption to confront them went off to make their own churches instead of fix what was already there because they had too much pride and thought "I can do it better."
Incidentally, that's exactly what led to Satan's fall. He said the same thing: "I can do it better!"
All that was left was the filth and the gullible, and it's been getting harder and harder for the gullible people in the Church to excuse the horrible ways of the leadership.
Moral of the story is this: something left to rot will ruin everything around it.
If you leave a garden on account of the weeds it won't stop the seeds from drifting over to your new garden.
They have infiltrated every religion, in equal measure.
They are parasites.
They want us divided.
They want us, the immune system of the Church, attacking the host, Jesus.
They have only one strategy, and they use it everywhere.
Jesus didn't leave us a religion, he left us a Church. We treated it like a dirty whore, so it became a dirty whore.
The Bride's dress is dirty as hell; but rejoice, we are going through the power wash cycle RIGHT NOW!
There are people who prefer sporks over all other utensils.
And then there are people who use chopsticks, and put sporks, forks, and spoons alike the same category.
Are we better off with the variety? Yeah, I'd say so.
But at the end of the day, they are all tools to make something which you can already do easier -- which is to eat.
If they allow you to eat easier than using your hands, they are good, which is why we know about them.
However, you must agree that not every utensil is suited to every meal.
Chopsticks and forks suck ass at eating soup.
Spoons are crap at eating a steak.
To escape from the subjective trappings of things like CRT, I can objectively state that while all utensils have their purposes, some are dynamically preferable to others.
That goes double for when you try to Frankenstein two of them together.
Which brings me back to the spork.
It is a combination of a spoon and a fork. It's strength is utility, but it is not preferable to a fork when eating steak just as it is not preferable to a spoon when eating soup.
Where am I going with all this?
On paper, everything above is fine and dandy. No one should have a life-crisis level of a problem with the logic.
When you go to a restaurant that forces you to eat soup with a fork because the management is batshit insane...
Well, let's just agree that restaurant won't be around for very long.
And that's what I mean when I say God wouldn't permit it to grow.
Not because it is necessarily due to the morals of the religion...
But because a shit religion is going to be shit, and only shitty people will engage with it, leaving it a pile of shit.
God is the Law (Read through David's psalms).
There is a time for planting, a time for growing, and a time for harvest.
That's the Law.
You can absolutely break that law, by doing it out of order, but I guarantee you that nothing will grow, especially without the approval of God.
So, most of these scumbag parasites will find a "good" (or good enough) religion that has already been through the planting phase, latch on during the growing phase, and then when harvest comes around they embezzle everything and leave it a husk.
Ultimately, however, we have to concede that the best way to eat food is with our friends and families.
He was instrumental with Reagan in ending Communism in Poland.
If the Catholic Church was homogenous, we'd already be in the NWO.
Many have had to keep their heads low since WWII when the Jesuits took full control, but there are still good eggs in the Catholic Church just as there are still Patriots in our Military and Government.
Benedict (Ratzinger) was forced to retire for a reason, just as there is a reason he didn't complete the fully process for his retirement from the Papal title.
Hopefully full disclosure will inform us as to who were the real good guys and who were the real bad guys...
I'm not holding by breath at this point for any single individual, but taking some bullets is quite the high mark of "this dude wasn't following their orders."
The followers themselves are who they are. It's the corruption and the cover up of crimes against humanity that I have a problem with. Same as all the other asshole religions including Christianity.
Oh you think we're the good guys? Ask your pastor why they never told you about the cabal or any of the other relevant evil things and instead distracted you with mysticism and focus on Satan alone and not his minions, the thirteen families.
This isn't to say the church is all bad, but at the end of the day religion is man made and we need to stop associating wit things simply because they suit our narrative.
They think infant baptism = RCC, it just shows how uneducated most people are when it comes to Christianity. Infant baptism is preformed in Orthodoxy (both Eastern and Oriental), Catholicism (not just the RCC), Lutherans, and I believe Methodists and Anglicans but I could be wrong on those last two.
I think being baptized before being able to make the conscious choice is silly. Both of my children have not been baptized. One is almost 2 and the other is 9.
Baptism isn't salvation, it's one of the things required for salvation however. All you are doing is crippling them, you teach them about the faith.
But you are not part of the Apostolic faith so this part wouldn't matter, after baptism is confirmation which is the laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit dwelling within us to help us in all we do throughout our life and to help all of our decisions we make.
Again I go back to the argument of sending a child to school, your child didn't make the decision to go to school you made it for them. So why send your kid to school at all if you don't want them to learn and be prepared. The same is with baptism.
We homeschool. Our son can rattle off all of the old testament chapters and what they are about. His knowledge of the bible is humbling. And he cannot wait to be baptized.
We dont claim to be any denomination. Just followers of Christ. Who make mistakes.
It's a cult, and their rites suck
Well done. 🙏
Might you be implying, amongst others, this is a battle of good vs evil? Not so "sleepy" there, op. The "invisible" enemy is being exposed on all fronts. Excellent post
Infant baptism is incorrect. Parents can’t choose Jesus for their kids and that’s what infant baptism tries to do.
Yes and no.
It's one part semantic and one part obfuscation.
John the Baptist said he washes Man with water, but one will come who will wash Man with the fire of the Holy Spirit.
Some denominations take that two ways, others include it in the same Rite.
What you may call a Baptism is actually a consolidation of Baptism and Confirmation. Before the Reformation, they were separate sacraments in the vast majority of congregations.
In Orthodox, Catholicism, and Episcopalian denominations it is still this way.
For them, Baptism is the reception of the Holy Spirit, which cleanses the soul of Original Sin. We can debate what Original Sin is, but in short it's just the fallen nature of Man to put the SELF before all other things, namely God (Love). This is in line with John the Baptist's actions and critical message of Repentance.
Confirmation is the personal acceptance of the Holy Spirit, much like in the way you depict Baptism. It is performed at Pentecost, in line with when the Apostles received the tongues of flame above their heads and began to speak among the people in the universal language of Truth. This is in line with Jesus' promise that he shall not leave us as orphans.
In summary, the debate is lamentably semantic. I hold neither interpretation in higher esteem, but I have my preference, if only because it is the careful option.
Just because you can do two steps in a LEGO instruction manual at the same time, doesn't mean you HAVE to. It also doesn't mean you DON'T HAVE to either.
If we go by chronology, Baptism being for cleansing the young of their Original Sin and Confirmation being the acceptance of the Holy Spirit (and the mission of spreading the Good News of our Savior, Jesus Christ) has been around longer.
Spiritually, however, I will readily concede that Baptism Rites undergone by Protestant denominations are far more spiritual and life-changing than the suffocate-ingly formal sacrament of Confirmation.
Either way, there are still those who grow up "in the Faith" that aren't truly Christian, regardless of denomination.
They go through the motions mostly due to peer pressure and because they've known nothing else their entire lives. Some could say that THAT is the Original Sin, as it is the proliferation of the "Sins of our Father" (Adam) being forced upon our young -- coercing them to believe what we do, flawed or not, rather than encouraging them to find the Truth on their own with careful guidance.
Sending your kids to school or homeschooling your kids is wrong. Parents can't choose an education for their kids and that's what sending them to school tries to do.
You see how dumb your logic is? Why wouldn't you get your children baptized? Unless of course you think baptism means salvation, because it doesn't it is just one of the steps Christ commanded us to do. Protestantism is the new age movement in the history of Christianity that has people trying to say infant baptism is wrong when you look all through out history even in Acts children were being baptized!
I said nothing about children, I said INFANTS. Babies can not acknowledge what Christ did on the cross, and in essence can not consent to what baptism is.
God has NO grandchildren, only children. Parents don’t get to make the choice for their kids to follow Jesus.
Btw I’m not a “Protestant”, I’m a follower of Christ.
Are infants not children? They surely are not adults.
And you are a Protestant, even more so if you are the "just Jesus and me" type. Which honestly is really depressing because you are missing out on the fulness of the Christian faith and a wonderful relationship with God and all of the believers.
Want to hand out more labels?
A six month old human can not comprehend Christ’s sacrifice, a six year old human can. That’s the difference here. I stand by what I said about infant baptism.
And when did baptism save you? I do not remember reading that in the bible. As far as I understand Prots see it as nothing more than a public statement of faith.
Last I checked Acts 16:33 confirms infant baptism.
Love how Catholicism is good cause it's convenient for the meme...
Every religion on paper is "good," otherwise God wouldn't have permitted it to grow.
When people get involved, however... That's when everything goes to shit.
Jesus didn't outright say the Pharisee order was evil. He preached among them, had respect for the Temple of Solomon, and even had dinner with them in their own homes.
When they started making up rules by taking Moses' teachings out of context to suit their own wants and desires, THAT'S when he took out the whip to exorcise them from his Father's house.
Catholicism went to shit because all the shitty people rose to the top (as they are wont to do) and everyone who had the gumption to confront them went off to make their own churches instead of fix what was already there because they had too much pride and thought "I can do it better."
Incidentally, that's exactly what led to Satan's fall. He said the same thing: "I can do it better!"
All that was left was the filth and the gullible, and it's been getting harder and harder for the gullible people in the Church to excuse the horrible ways of the leadership.
Moral of the story is this: something left to rot will ruin everything around it.
If you leave a garden on account of the weeds it won't stop the seeds from drifting over to your new garden.
They have infiltrated every religion, in equal measure.
They are parasites.
They want us divided.
They want us, the immune system of the Church, attacking the host, Jesus.
They have only one strategy, and they use it everywhere.
Jesus didn't leave us a religion, he left us a Church. We treated it like a dirty whore, so it became a dirty whore.
The Bride's dress is dirty as hell; but rejoice, we are going through the power wash cycle RIGHT NOW!
Let me stop you right there.
Here's how I see it:
A spork is "good" on paper.
People have made and use sporks.
There are people who prefer sporks over all other utensils.
And then there are people who use chopsticks, and put sporks, forks, and spoons alike the same category.
Are we better off with the variety? Yeah, I'd say so.
But at the end of the day, they are all tools to make something which you can already do easier -- which is to eat.
If they allow you to eat easier than using your hands, they are good, which is why we know about them.
However, you must agree that not every utensil is suited to every meal.
Chopsticks and forks suck ass at eating soup.
Spoons are crap at eating a steak.
To escape from the subjective trappings of things like CRT, I can objectively state that while all utensils have their purposes, some are dynamically preferable to others.
That goes double for when you try to Frankenstein two of them together.
Which brings me back to the spork.
It is a combination of a spoon and a fork. It's strength is utility, but it is not preferable to a fork when eating steak just as it is not preferable to a spoon when eating soup.
Where am I going with all this?
On paper, everything above is fine and dandy. No one should have a life-crisis level of a problem with the logic.
When you go to a restaurant that forces you to eat soup with a fork because the management is batshit insane...
Well, let's just agree that restaurant won't be around for very long.
And that's what I mean when I say God wouldn't permit it to grow.
Not because it is necessarily due to the morals of the religion...
But because a shit religion is going to be shit, and only shitty people will engage with it, leaving it a pile of shit.
God is the Law (Read through David's psalms).
There is a time for planting, a time for growing, and a time for harvest.
That's the Law.
You can absolutely break that law, by doing it out of order, but I guarantee you that nothing will grow, especially without the approval of God.
So, most of these scumbag parasites will find a "good" (or good enough) religion that has already been through the planting phase, latch on during the growing phase, and then when harvest comes around they embezzle everything and leave it a husk.
Ultimately, however, we have to concede that the best way to eat food is with our friends and families.
No utensil can replace them.
Pope John Paul II took four bullets for a reason.
He was instrumental with Reagan in ending Communism in Poland.
If the Catholic Church was homogenous, we'd already be in the NWO.
Many have had to keep their heads low since WWII when the Jesuits took full control, but there are still good eggs in the Catholic Church just as there are still Patriots in our Military and Government.
Benedict (Ratzinger) was forced to retire for a reason, just as there is a reason he didn't complete the fully process for his retirement from the Papal title.
Hopefully full disclosure will inform us as to who were the real good guys and who were the real bad guys...
I'm not holding by breath at this point for any single individual, but taking some bullets is quite the high mark of "this dude wasn't following their orders."
The followers themselves are who they are. It's the corruption and the cover up of crimes against humanity that I have a problem with. Same as all the other asshole religions including Christianity.
Oh you think we're the good guys? Ask your pastor why they never told you about the cabal or any of the other relevant evil things and instead distracted you with mysticism and focus on Satan alone and not his minions, the thirteen families.
This isn't to say the church is all bad, but at the end of the day religion is man made and we need to stop associating wit things simply because they suit our narrative.
What makes it catholic?
Catholic wafer and baptizing a baby.
I see the wafer now. But is that catholic specific? Baby baptism isnt isolated to Catholics.
They think infant baptism = RCC, it just shows how uneducated most people are when it comes to Christianity. Infant baptism is preformed in Orthodoxy (both Eastern and Oriental), Catholicism (not just the RCC), Lutherans, and I believe Methodists and Anglicans but I could be wrong on those last two.
Raised Methodist can confirm
I only guessed because you guys and Anglicans are high church like the Lutherans lol.
I think being baptized before being able to make the conscious choice is silly. Both of my children have not been baptized. One is almost 2 and the other is 9.
We want them to make the choice.
Baptism isn't salvation, it's one of the things required for salvation however. All you are doing is crippling them, you teach them about the faith.
But you are not part of the Apostolic faith so this part wouldn't matter, after baptism is confirmation which is the laying on of hands to receive the Holy Spirit dwelling within us to help us in all we do throughout our life and to help all of our decisions we make.
Again I go back to the argument of sending a child to school, your child didn't make the decision to go to school you made it for them. So why send your kid to school at all if you don't want them to learn and be prepared. The same is with baptism.
We homeschool. Our son can rattle off all of the old testament chapters and what they are about. His knowledge of the bible is humbling. And he cannot wait to be baptized.
We dont claim to be any denomination. Just followers of Christ. Who make mistakes.
We need to nock them all down before we are done