268 Omicrom (media.communities.win) posted 3 years ago by Rippah 3 years ago by Rippah +268 / -0 25 comments download share 25 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
A similar meme:
Omicron explained...
Seems a happy variant.
I dunno, all three look derp to me.
Be happy it's not Unicron.
Unicrons like carrots.
Unicron eats planets though.
They haven’t travelled that far into space for the variants to merge, yet.
Except all three are the third image.
And then the common flu would be similar to the one on the far left. SARS and swine flu would be like city-sized starships capable of transforming into like Wing Zero (Gundam Wing) but 1,000 times bigger and with an even more insane pilot.
I misspelled it on purpose coz it’s so *derp. Kids drawing & kids spelling:)
Nobody summons Omicrom!
This could also be people at the beginning of the jabs, jab 1 far left, jab 2 middle, jab 3 DERP.
Yup, fear factor!
To be fair, all three variants suck, with the most lethal having a mortality rate of 0.06%.
Agreed, the meme is more about ‘fear factor’. I don’t think people give a rats about Omicron & the media hates it, lol
Kids drawing, kids spelling. I did it on purpose:)