What was that thing Jesus always said? Oh yeah... love your enemies and treat others the way you want to be treated.
I agree with calling biology biology. But the only people Christ had malice towards were members of the establishment religions. It is better to let this trend play out and to be loving and compassionate towards these people. Your average transgender is just as lost and confused as we are if not moreso. They are not trying to harm your kids or force their way of life on anyone. They need support, not vitriol. And by support I mean being a decent human being towards them, that's all.
People are more likely to listen to you when you come off as more diplomatic. That does not mean you're compromising anything. Choosing to get along with others is not an endorsement of their behavior.
Man, what a crazy reaction to someone suggesting we just be decent people to people who identify as LGBT. Look at yourself in the mirror and figure out where all that hatred inside you truly comes from. All the person did was suggest we be kind to these people and be decent to them, and you flew off in a rage. What's so wrong with being decent to other people?
You sound just as hateful and off base as Fred Phelps. You are a poor representation of the Kingdom of God and you will be Judged for the souls that were turned away because of your hatred. Your perspective is based on the whims of a minority few who are not representative of the whole. Your average homo or transgender is not looking to hurt you or your kids. If you actually believe this, it shows how arrogant you really are. Unless you have talked to someone is legitimately a homosexual and actually tried to grasp their perspective (which you obviously have not) then you're just another ass talker.
Your approach to this is unloving and wrong. You can downvote all my comments and you can push back all you want. You will not be right until you change your perspective. Vengeance is for the Lord. Not you. Change.
But you don't like that. Because you're probably gay too and insulted and have feelings of rejection because you want everyone to love you and the nasty, unnatural things you do. You want to continue to live in the lie and your sexual fetishes and force them on us. You need help too.
So you get butthurt about missing context, and then go back and make assumptions about me. Retry your approach.
Again, your perception is off. Your average Joe the homo likely does not even care about your kids and just wants to freely live their lives. Same with your average transgender.
If we want to discuss agreed standards of morality that's fine. I am a firm believer in keeping children sheltered from most things, especially sexuality until they hit puberty.
As for forcing acceptance that is coming from a vocal minority who, again, do not represent the whole. They are tied directly to the cabal and its agenda. But look around you. By now you should have figured out the cabal's hold is mostly an illusion. Have laws been passed requiring acceptance? No. But that should not be your excuse. Instead you should be the bigger man, treat them better then they treat you and do what you know is right by Christ in that regard.
If anyone does actually try to come after your kids- hell, I'll probably pick them off for you.
1 Corinthians 6:9
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”
Revelation 21:8
8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Galations 5:19-21
5 For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.
9 understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers,
Are you seriously quoting Paul as though it trumps Jesus? Thank you for confirming once again that Christianity is a false religion influenced by a false prophet.
Paul's letters are nothing more than an interpretation. There are things I agree with then there are things like this that while he may end up being right, they do not supersede Christ's teachings or commands.
To clarify, most of the modern church is built on Paulism, not Christ, unfortunately. Christ also wasn't a prophet He was the Son of God.
"Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom — both young and old — surrounded the house. They called to Lot, 'Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them'" (Genesis 19:4–5). The angels then proceed to blind the men surrounding the house and urge Lot and his family to flee from the cities to escape the wrath that God was about to deliver. Lot and his family flee the city, and then "the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah — from the LORD out of the heavens. Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, including all those living in the cities..." (Genesis 19:24).
I remember reading that passage in the bible many years ago, however the term that was used was this: 'Bring them out so that WE MAY KNOW THEM'.
Even as a child I knew what the inference was suggesting, but I also questioned that maybe it was not sex that they were interested in, but knowledge of who or what kind of 'ANGELS/CREATURES/GIANTS/BURNING ENTITIES' had floated down from the sky and entered into their neighbor's house.
Doesn't that seem more likely?
How did Lot and the townsfolk know they were ANGELS? In most biblical passages, the 'ANGELS' were the term described when entities came down from the sky in a roaring pinnacle of fire or flew down with huge wings or some such. In other passages, 'ANGELS' were described as animal/human hybrid creatures, creatures with multiple heads looking different directions and others had a head and 6 wings that covered their body. Others describe 'ANGELS' as snakes with fire or golden connected rings covered in eyes. They were also sometimes described as huge, towering, human-like androgynous 'creatures' wearing armor and carrying huge swords.
So, the townsfolks either saw a spaceship land near Lot's house, and saw some HUGE android creatures enter into Lot's house, or saw BIZARRE CREATURES WALK WITH LOT TO HIS HOUSE. What else explains why the ENTIRE TOWN OF MEN came demanding to see who and what were these strangers?
I also remembered that Lot would not allow the townsfolk to have access to these 'Strangers' but responded with something like, Here, have my daughters instead. They are virgins.... or some such answer. Does this sound Godly? To offer your virgin daughters to the men to rape in order to prevent them from seeing the creatures you let inside your house?
I suggest studying Enoch to get a better handle on what the flood and Soddom and Gamora was actually about. We have been lied to about the purpose behind those events. The flood was about trying to remove the human/angel hybrids and similar implications can be inferred with Soddom and Gamorra.
But yes, contrary to popular, wrong belief, the flood was not about "muh sinners and homosexuals".
Soddom and Gamora has more to do with the attempt to breed angles than it does "muh homosexuality".
Christ told you to love your enemies. The fact that you respond with "blahblah" tells me and everyone very loudly and clearly you do not follow Christ. You follow some religion that conveniently agrees with your hatred and that is very anti-Christ.
What was that thing Jesus always said? Oh yeah... love your enemies and treat others the way you want to be treated.
I agree with calling biology biology. But the only people Christ had malice towards were members of the establishment religions. It is better to let this trend play out and to be loving and compassionate towards these people. Your average transgender is just as lost and confused as we are if not moreso. They are not trying to harm your kids or force their way of life on anyone. They need support, not vitriol. And by support I mean being a decent human being towards them, that's all.
People are more likely to listen to you when you come off as more diplomatic. That does not mean you're compromising anything. Choosing to get along with others is not an endorsement of their behavior.
Man, what a crazy reaction to someone suggesting we just be decent people to people who identify as LGBT. Look at yourself in the mirror and figure out where all that hatred inside you truly comes from. All the person did was suggest we be kind to these people and be decent to them, and you flew off in a rage. What's so wrong with being decent to other people?
You sound just as hateful and off base as Fred Phelps. You are a poor representation of the Kingdom of God and you will be Judged for the souls that were turned away because of your hatred. Your perspective is based on the whims of a minority few who are not representative of the whole. Your average homo or transgender is not looking to hurt you or your kids. If you actually believe this, it shows how arrogant you really are. Unless you have talked to someone is legitimately a homosexual and actually tried to grasp their perspective (which you obviously have not) then you're just another ass talker.
Your approach to this is unloving and wrong. You can downvote all my comments and you can push back all you want. You will not be right until you change your perspective. Vengeance is for the Lord. Not you. Change.
So you get butthurt about missing context, and then go back and make assumptions about me. Retry your approach.
Again, your perception is off. Your average Joe the homo likely does not even care about your kids and just wants to freely live their lives. Same with your average transgender.
If we want to discuss agreed standards of morality that's fine. I am a firm believer in keeping children sheltered from most things, especially sexuality until they hit puberty.
As for forcing acceptance that is coming from a vocal minority who, again, do not represent the whole. They are tied directly to the cabal and its agenda. But look around you. By now you should have figured out the cabal's hold is mostly an illusion. Have laws been passed requiring acceptance? No. But that should not be your excuse. Instead you should be the bigger man, treat them better then they treat you and do what you know is right by Christ in that regard.
If anyone does actually try to come after your kids- hell, I'll probably pick them off for you.
1 Corinthians 6:9 “Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,”
Revelation 21:8 8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Galations 5:19-21 5 For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous (that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. 9 understanding this, that the law is not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers,
Are you seriously quoting Paul as though it trumps Jesus? Thank you for confirming once again that Christianity is a false religion influenced by a false prophet.
No! No one trumps Jesus! Jesus is no false prophet. He is God’s Son and part of the trinity of Father God, Son God and Holy Spirit God
Okay... then why bring it up?
Paul's letters are nothing more than an interpretation. There are things I agree with then there are things like this that while he may end up being right, they do not supersede Christ's teachings or commands.
To clarify, most of the modern church is built on Paulism, not Christ, unfortunately. Christ also wasn't a prophet He was the Son of God.
"Before they had gone to bed, all the men from every part of the city of Sodom — both young and old — surrounded the house. They called to Lot, 'Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them'" (Genesis 19:4–5). The angels then proceed to blind the men surrounding the house and urge Lot and his family to flee from the cities to escape the wrath that God was about to deliver. Lot and his family flee the city, and then "the LORD rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah — from the LORD out of the heavens. Thus he overthrew those cities and the entire plain, including all those living in the cities..." (Genesis 19:24).
I remember reading that passage in the bible many years ago, however the term that was used was this: 'Bring them out so that WE MAY KNOW THEM'.
Even as a child I knew what the inference was suggesting, but I also questioned that maybe it was not sex that they were interested in, but knowledge of who or what kind of 'ANGELS/CREATURES/GIANTS/BURNING ENTITIES' had floated down from the sky and entered into their neighbor's house.
Doesn't that seem more likely?
How did Lot and the townsfolk know they were ANGELS? In most biblical passages, the 'ANGELS' were the term described when entities came down from the sky in a roaring pinnacle of fire or flew down with huge wings or some such. In other passages, 'ANGELS' were described as animal/human hybrid creatures, creatures with multiple heads looking different directions and others had a head and 6 wings that covered their body. Others describe 'ANGELS' as snakes with fire or golden connected rings covered in eyes. They were also sometimes described as huge, towering, human-like androgynous 'creatures' wearing armor and carrying huge swords.
So, the townsfolks either saw a spaceship land near Lot's house, and saw some HUGE android creatures enter into Lot's house, or saw BIZARRE CREATURES WALK WITH LOT TO HIS HOUSE. What else explains why the ENTIRE TOWN OF MEN came demanding to see who and what were these strangers?
I also remembered that Lot would not allow the townsfolk to have access to these 'Strangers' but responded with something like, Here, have my daughters instead. They are virgins.... or some such answer. Does this sound Godly? To offer your virgin daughters to the men to rape in order to prevent them from seeing the creatures you let inside your house?
I suggest studying Enoch to get a better handle on what the flood and Soddom and Gamora was actually about. We have been lied to about the purpose behind those events. The flood was about trying to remove the human/angel hybrids and similar implications can be inferred with Soddom and Gamorra.
But yes, contrary to popular, wrong belief, the flood was not about "muh sinners and homosexuals".
Soddom and Gamora has more to do with the attempt to breed angles than it does "muh homosexuality".
Christ told you to love your enemies. The fact that you respond with "blahblah" tells me and everyone very loudly and clearly you do not follow Christ. You follow some religion that conveniently agrees with your hatred and that is very anti-Christ.