To each their own. Everyone needs to know their own limits. I smoke daily, starting around noon and im doing very well. just got a 39% raise at work :)
but there are many people who I would not recommend to smoke that much, and i even know people who smoke less than me but are lazy unproductive losers
smoke weed and hide in VT, you may never know who the president is. Be sober minded and in the fight. I understand it has its medical value, but this ain't it.
It's here to stay, like it or not. There's something about cannabis that you don't seem to be aware of and that is enhanced introspection. You realize things that you didn't before. It's been wonderful for self-analysis and offers an altered perspective that has proven valuable for understanding a great many things. Your flawed perception of sober-mindedness is your hindrance, at least in part.
You're obviously caught up in the propaganda still but that's fine. We are the majority and your opinion meant nothing to begin with. Enjoy being part of a dying breed in your willful ignorance.
Well said queefer sounds like reefer and summing it up in one word "Empathy.
Empathy is the ability to sense other peoples emotions , coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling.
Empathy is something I lack when sober. It's almost textbook psychopath. Weed not only gives me the ability to empathize but kicks it into overdrive. That plant is something else.
Do you think God made man to get high? You're retarded. God gave man a choice, in the garden and now. You are choosing the way of Adam, choosing to be your own God. I encourage everyone to join the path of Jesus, to be sober-minded, to meditate upon the word of God, far more enlightening than any shit you come up with high. Thanks for helping to ruin this country. You are caught up in propaganda and your willful ignorance and comments mean nothing. See, I can say those useless words back at you, except the first portion of my comments carry actual weight. Change your ways or face eternal damnation, your choice.
too much of this isn't good anons.
*I am only telling you this because there are times and seasons for things, and now is the time to be strong.
Any vices you have it would be wise to let go of them so you aren't limited from reaching your full strength.
What you do though is up to you.
To each their own. Everyone needs to know their own limits. I smoke daily, starting around noon and im doing very well. just got a 39% raise at work :)
but there are many people who I would not recommend to smoke that much, and i even know people who smoke less than me but are lazy unproductive losers
smoke weed and hide in VT, you may never know who the president is. Be sober minded and in the fight. I understand it has its medical value, but this ain't it.
Tell that to my pancreatitis and ischemic & distended bowel.
It's here to stay, like it or not. There's something about cannabis that you don't seem to be aware of and that is enhanced introspection. You realize things that you didn't before. It's been wonderful for self-analysis and offers an altered perspective that has proven valuable for understanding a great many things. Your flawed perception of sober-mindedness is your hindrance, at least in part.
You're obviously caught up in the propaganda still but that's fine. We are the majority and your opinion meant nothing to begin with. Enjoy being part of a dying breed in your willful ignorance.
Genesis 1:29
Well said queefer sounds like reefer and summing it up in one word "Empathy. Empathy is the ability to sense other peoples emotions , coupled with the ability to imagine what someone else might be thinking or feeling.
Empathy is something I lack when sober. It's almost textbook psychopath. Weed not only gives me the ability to empathize but kicks it into overdrive. That plant is something else.
Do you think God made man to get high? You're retarded. God gave man a choice, in the garden and now. You are choosing the way of Adam, choosing to be your own God. I encourage everyone to join the path of Jesus, to be sober-minded, to meditate upon the word of God, far more enlightening than any shit you come up with high. Thanks for helping to ruin this country. You are caught up in propaganda and your willful ignorance and comments mean nothing. See, I can say those useless words back at you, except the first portion of my comments carry actual weight. Change your ways or face eternal damnation, your choice.