Now.. go ahead and claim it's Rothschild Reuters, like a stubborn jackass.
Provide the actual tweet without all the red flags or a legitimate archive. This is what RESEARCH is, you dipshit.
You're actually proving yourself to be a fucking faggot and deliberate disseminator of lies and disinformation. It's fuckheads like you that tee up these stories for MSM that hurt the GA.
As if there was ever any doubt - Behar is as guilty as any of them.
4-6% example.
aaaand it's fake
OP should take this down and demonstrate his 'research skills'
You're supposed to be a trusted source, dude.
this is crap and the bait title is shitbaggery 101
tighten it up
you're here every fucking day
you know it's fake
Now you're just looking like a discord shill.
you're pathetic
Now.. go ahead and claim it's Rothschild Reuters, like a stubborn jackass.
Provide the actual tweet without all the red flags or a legitimate archive. This is what RESEARCH is, you dipshit.
You're actually proving yourself to be a fucking faggot and deliberate disseminator of lies and disinformation. It's fuckheads like you that tee up these stories for MSM that hurt the GA.
Makes me ill, these people are sick.
Is there an original source for this? Thought i saw this a few days ago and people said it was a fake tweet
this is actually fake
popped up just last week
That's exactly it...I don't give a shit if this is supposed to be fake...We All know the truth and that's the point....
Nope. Not even close.
When somebody like you posts known disinformation that feeds confirmation bias because 'we all know' it has the opposite affect.
These fake quotes are picked up by the MSM and spread to the normies, proving that this place is built on lies.
take it down
lol what a douche
top poster is more concerned with upvote farming than posting verified and true information
you have crossed a line
douchebag proven
Let's get personal why don't we.....Who the f*ck do you think you are Anyway....
Looks like serial poster purkiss80 is a fake fuck.
Photoshopped or real? The font looks off. The second row doesn’t line up with the first.
Come on that real?
Please delete this or label it as photoshopped. It’s obviously fake and needs to be distinctly labeled as such.
Good god she’s dumber than a box of rocks....
Nice resignation post.