The jabs purpose is to depopulate the world and to enslave those who survive in technocratic tyranny for the rest of their useful lives, by making them dependent on big pharma to stay alive. Any complaints, or reduction in output, and their passport just cuts them off from their job, food, housing and the drugs keeping them alive.
Let’s see, get jabbed, have less symptoms for more Covid attacks, chance suffering extreme side effects, or no jab, get Covid once, survive and have long lasting immunity. Hmmmmmm….let’s see…..
If anyone outside of a few agencies had ever read the prospectus that got the "vaccines" their EUAs, it says plainly the aim is to reduce symptoms and shorten hospitalization. In other words the makers expected that their consumers would be sick and hospitalized. If they have bad side effects "it could have been worse." If they died it must have been other factors. "Hide the Decline" was the model for this scam. All the mass acceptance is based on psych tricks of presentation by the media, control of the counter narrative, and a large body of people who grew up thinking that vaccines stop a disease. Just the same as the climate scam.
The jabs purpose is to depopulate the world and to enslave those who survive in technocratic tyranny for the rest of their useful lives, by making them dependent on big pharma to stay alive. Any complaints, or reduction in output, and their passport just cuts them off from their job, food, housing and the drugs keeping them alive.
Let’s see, get jabbed, have less symptoms for more Covid attacks, chance suffering extreme side effects, or no jab, get Covid once, survive and have long lasting immunity. Hmmmmmm….let’s see…..
Vaccines are now to "reduce symptoms" (and cause you to die spontaneously).
I know a guy getting vented to death now couse of that shit
Death won't be as serious.
Have they isolated the Covid-19 virus yet? If not, how could someone test positive?
PCR test (fake)
If anyone outside of a few agencies had ever read the prospectus that got the "vaccines" their EUAs, it says plainly the aim is to reduce symptoms and shorten hospitalization. In other words the makers expected that their consumers would be sick and hospitalized. If they have bad side effects "it could have been worse." If they died it must have been other factors. "Hide the Decline" was the model for this scam. All the mass acceptance is based on psych tricks of presentation by the media, control of the counter narrative, and a large body of people who grew up thinking that vaccines stop a disease. Just the same as the climate scam.
This is ADE folks, plain and simple. Will continue and get worse over time, too.
Must be a few “rare” breakthrough cases.
Ooo, she's famous too. Impactful. 17 you say, keks.
"Safe and effective" remember. "Protects against covid."
Yeah, right.
This a very subtle form of divide and conquer. Vaxxed v. UNVaxxed
At least he got to show his vaxx card before infecting them...
She should get him some Ivermectin.
Get boosted or no Christmas!
Has to be climate change.