The poster in question is conflating early sexual development and behavior of minors as a justification for Maxwell's crimes or trying to water down what she was participating in.
The law recognizes cognitive awareness is satisfactory at 18. In other words this is why minors can not give consent to an adult and why parents are the medical guardians of minors until they turn 18.
Without the law what we have is the wild west and everything unravels. The military is the way because they want it done by the book and through lawful and orderly means. Not vigilante justice.
Without the law what we have is the wild west and everything unravels.
Ok, now that's just insanity. I dare say the "wild west" was FAR fucking better than what we have today. Our laws are insane. They are illogical and create crimes where none should exist. I am not speaking on this "18" law specifically, but the entire fucking thing. Its ALL fraudulent and designed to take all rights away from people. Who says a person who is 17, or 16, or 15, or whatever can't make decisions for themselves? I know I was perfectly capable of doing so at least since I was 12. I was fully cognizant at that age.
The idea that I am not fully my own human until the "law" tells me so is disgusting. That is a FRAUD. I was born with inalienable rights. I'm not granted whatever ones the government decides I can have when I turn 18.
Now I'm not saying there is no place for laws to protect our children from predators. Protecting a persons rights must be the purpose of our laws; child or adult. Protecting against predatory behavior must be a part of those laws, but the laws we have right now are ludicrous. They make no sense.
I know 18 year olds that can't find their ass with both hands. I know young teenagers that make more sense than anyone three times their age. In the first case, someone could easily prey on these "legal" children and it would be a "rape" of the mind and body, simply because they are too fucking stupid and unaware to understand they are being taken advantage of. On the other hand, the young teenagers that are wise enough to make their own decisions can't be preyed upon (except by force) so if they were to choose to engage in any sexual activity it would be, by definition, consensual.
Our laws are not only new (as in recently created), they are ridiculous. Maybe they were created for the purposes of blackmail. Maybe the reason we think it is so bad to have sex with a 17 year old (but not an 18 year old) is because we have been trained to think that for the purposes of blackmail. We live in The Matrix. They control all sides. They create the laws, they drive the narrative, they create our beliefs, they create our taboos, they create the whole thing so they can control us. I think these taboos we have are exactly that. I think that is why these new laws make no sense yet we adhere to them like they are profound statements of morality.
I get that the Maxwell trial is exposing what people believe is the worst sort of activity. Great, maybe it will gently expose the larger world of actual predatory behavior without going full baby eating, blood drinking vampire. Maybe that's the best way, but the laws themselves are ludicrous, and have no place in a society that respects a persons inalienable rights, at least not as written.
The human brain doesn't finish development until mid 20s. The law defines an adult at 18 because that is what many agree is a fair starting point between late teenage years and early 20s.
We can debate current laws on the books if they are unfair or illogical all we want. But in the end it doesn't change what Maxwell is accused of actively participating in. Maxwell is accused of grooming and trafficking minors and that is what the trial is about.
The human brain doesn't finish development until mid 20s
Oh sweet Jesus.
My childhood would like to disagree with you. I was fully aware long before then.
The law defines an adult at 18 because that is what many agree is a fair starting point between late teenage years and early 20s.
The law defines an adult at 18 because it was arbitrarily chosen a few decades ago by the fucking Cabal.
We live in The Matrix, until you get that, you will not see the larger scope.
But in the end it doesn't change what Maxwell is accused of actively participating in. Maxwell is accused of grooming and trafficking minors and that is what the trial is about.
I agree with this wholeheartedly, but I was never arguing against it either.
I was fully aware as a child as well. But all human beings finish their development of their brain by early to mid 20s. The delayed ontogeny of the human brain is very unique compared to other animals.
The reason why 18 is chosen is because that is when society defines as the ability to consent. You are arguing that is an arbritary choice by the cabal which is possible but then again maybe not.
I've read through them all. You aren't furthering the argument because you have not made clear your position. You've given no definition of when we, as a society, should define adulthood.
Is it once puberty hits? Should we have no definition for adulthood? What is the case you trying to argue for? I don't need a deluge of emotion, just answer the question.
I addressed it explicitly.
The poster in question is conflating early sexual development and behavior of minors as a justification for Maxwell's crimes or trying to water down what she was participating in.
The law recognizes cognitive awareness is satisfactory at 18. In other words this is why minors can not give consent to an adult and why parents are the medical guardians of minors until they turn 18.
Without the law what we have is the wild west and everything unravels. The military is the way because they want it done by the book and through lawful and orderly means. Not vigilante justice.
Ok, now that's just insanity. I dare say the "wild west" was FAR fucking better than what we have today. Our laws are insane. They are illogical and create crimes where none should exist. I am not speaking on this "18" law specifically, but the entire fucking thing. Its ALL fraudulent and designed to take all rights away from people. Who says a person who is 17, or 16, or 15, or whatever can't make decisions for themselves? I know I was perfectly capable of doing so at least since I was 12. I was fully cognizant at that age.
The idea that I am not fully my own human until the "law" tells me so is disgusting. That is a FRAUD. I was born with inalienable rights. I'm not granted whatever ones the government decides I can have when I turn 18.
Now I'm not saying there is no place for laws to protect our children from predators. Protecting a persons rights must be the purpose of our laws; child or adult. Protecting against predatory behavior must be a part of those laws, but the laws we have right now are ludicrous. They make no sense.
I know 18 year olds that can't find their ass with both hands. I know young teenagers that make more sense than anyone three times their age. In the first case, someone could easily prey on these "legal" children and it would be a "rape" of the mind and body, simply because they are too fucking stupid and unaware to understand they are being taken advantage of. On the other hand, the young teenagers that are wise enough to make their own decisions can't be preyed upon (except by force) so if they were to choose to engage in any sexual activity it would be, by definition, consensual.
Our laws are not only new (as in recently created), they are ridiculous. Maybe they were created for the purposes of blackmail. Maybe the reason we think it is so bad to have sex with a 17 year old (but not an 18 year old) is because we have been trained to think that for the purposes of blackmail. We live in The Matrix. They control all sides. They create the laws, they drive the narrative, they create our beliefs, they create our taboos, they create the whole thing so they can control us. I think these taboos we have are exactly that. I think that is why these new laws make no sense yet we adhere to them like they are profound statements of morality.
I get that the Maxwell trial is exposing what people believe is the worst sort of activity. Great, maybe it will gently expose the larger world of actual predatory behavior without going full baby eating, blood drinking vampire. Maybe that's the best way, but the laws themselves are ludicrous, and have no place in a society that respects a persons inalienable rights, at least not as written.
The human brain doesn't finish development until mid 20s. The law defines an adult at 18 because that is what many agree is a fair starting point between late teenage years and early 20s.
We can debate current laws on the books if they are unfair or illogical all we want. But in the end it doesn't change what Maxwell is accused of actively participating in. Maxwell is accused of grooming and trafficking minors and that is what the trial is about.
Oh sweet Jesus.
My childhood would like to disagree with you. I was fully aware long before then.
The law defines an adult at 18 because it was arbitrarily chosen a few decades ago by the fucking Cabal.
We live in The Matrix, until you get that, you will not see the larger scope.
I agree with this wholeheartedly, but I was never arguing against it either.
I was fully aware as a child as well. But all human beings finish their development of their brain by early to mid 20s. The delayed ontogeny of the human brain is very unique compared to other animals.
The reason why 18 is chosen is because that is when society defines as the ability to consent. You are arguing that is an arbritary choice by the cabal which is possible but then again maybe not.
GA_Logic won that hands down. You offer no solutions and now you've resorted to emotionally venting. In your opinion, how should adulthood be defined?
read my reply...
"hands down" as if an argument is over with a mere rebuttal.
I've read through them all. You aren't furthering the argument because you have not made clear your position. You've given no definition of when we, as a society, should define adulthood.
Is it once puberty hits? Should we have no definition for adulthood? What is the case you trying to argue for? I don't need a deluge of emotion, just answer the question.