68 Painting seen in a boston medical building. See what i see? See something i dont see?? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by 94f450d 3 years ago by 94f450d +68 / -0 21 comments download share 21 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Epstein didn’t spill himself?
Epstein spilled the beans?
and the key.
Wonder who the artist was?
I noticed the red feet too. Isn't red shoes and red feet a pedo thing?
Good find.
Wha are we seeing?
Look at the bottom picture,epstein on the cup.
Holy crap!!
axe, 1 ear of corn, that alter thing on the right.
Cinder block
Epstein spilled the beans and he held the key to everything. The key is on the ground so he no longer holds the key.
Epstein is the "Keymaster." Who is the "Gatekeeper?"
What's that blue building? Looks like some kind of temple? Is that a butterfly on the roof?
Little St. James?
Epstein's seeds planting a garden of plants?
It's definitely creepy.