The Great Awakening saved me from a dark place - same as you, finally giving myself a purpose. Now to try and work out the indoctrination, I and we, have been out through!
This site alone has been a tremendous life saver in itself, just the knowledge that there are more people of the same mindset - with the knowledge that the system is against us AND willing to change it, because that's what Partiots do.
Just assume that everything we have been told and that we believe has two layers to it. The layer facing us is what they want us to believe. The layer behind it is what the true purpose is. There may be more layers between the two to bind them together.
Once you start thinking this way, the matrix becomes clearer. You read a news, and you know immediately what they want you to think/feel and why. And if its not so clear at least you have a hazy idea and you can dig.
Agree. I no longer view media output as news or entertainment- I view it as perception management. It’s called programming for a reason. My rule of thumb up to now is if the media is pushing something I’m on the fence against it until I see more info. Like the thing with Boris. I keep thinking that although I know he’s a swamp creature - he wouldn’t have lasted in politics this long if he wasn’t- he’s a known quantity and I think he’s on a tightrope with a gun to his head. The media want him gone. He’s obviously not delivering the DS aims quickly enough for their liking. If you look at how bad things are in Australia and Europe you can see where they want the uk to be and we aren’t there yet so I’m kind of thinking if they want him out he needs to stay there because whoever is placed afterwards would be worse.
Thanks mate, I try to always question everything now - especially from "professionals" - it's something to always work on, that much is certain. It has definitely become more noticeable and easier to do the longer you've been awoken. They have a playbook and it seems that they don't really stray from it, maybe it's just their Ego's, or they really just don't care what we think because to they think we're "powerless." One day, hopefully soon, we'll show them.
I may be a simple handshake at this juncture, but I've been a long time lurker, figured it's about time I get more active.
I think the reason Hollywood has been so influential for us is because it's a place most people go to to escape their day to day lives; they let their guards down. It's just makes it such an easy way to shape people's views of the present world, and influence how people want the future world.
Thank God for the Great Awakening. Even if it all turns out to be a "LARP" the fact it brought so many people around the world together gives me hope for the future.
The Great Awakening saved me from a dark place - same as you, finally giving myself a purpose. Now to try and work out the indoctrination, I and we, have been out through!
This site alone has been a tremendous life saver in itself, just the knowledge that there are more people of the same mindset - with the knowledge that the system is against us AND willing to change it, because that's what Partiots do.
Just assume that everything we have been told and that we believe has two layers to it. The layer facing us is what they want us to believe. The layer behind it is what the true purpose is. There may be more layers between the two to bind them together.
Once you start thinking this way, the matrix becomes clearer. You read a news, and you know immediately what they want you to think/feel and why. And if its not so clear at least you have a hazy idea and you can dig.
Agree. I no longer view media output as news or entertainment- I view it as perception management. It’s called programming for a reason. My rule of thumb up to now is if the media is pushing something I’m on the fence against it until I see more info. Like the thing with Boris. I keep thinking that although I know he’s a swamp creature - he wouldn’t have lasted in politics this long if he wasn’t- he’s a known quantity and I think he’s on a tightrope with a gun to his head. The media want him gone. He’s obviously not delivering the DS aims quickly enough for their liking. If you look at how bad things are in Australia and Europe you can see where they want the uk to be and we aren’t there yet so I’m kind of thinking if they want him out he needs to stay there because whoever is placed afterwards would be worse.
Thanks mate, I try to always question everything now - especially from "professionals" - it's something to always work on, that much is certain. It has definitely become more noticeable and easier to do the longer you've been awoken. They have a playbook and it seems that they don't really stray from it, maybe it's just their Ego's, or they really just don't care what we think because to they think we're "powerless." One day, hopefully soon, we'll show them.
I may be a simple handshake at this juncture, but I've been a long time lurker, figured it's about time I get more active.
Definitely has had a tremendous impact on alot of people.
These days I've often reflected on the propaganda/indoctrination I've been consuming via Hollywood & Entertainment Industrial Complex.
I now think back on the movies I have watched and wonder what ideas I have unwittingly absorbed.
It's terrifying how much misinformation has come out of Hollywood studios.
I think the reason Hollywood has been so influential for us is because it's a place most people go to to escape their day to day lives; they let their guards down. It's just makes it such an easy way to shape people's views of the present world, and influence how people want the future world.
Thank God for the Great Awakening. Even if it all turns out to be a "LARP" the fact it brought so many people around the world together gives me hope for the future.