Death Panels are back?
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I keep saying, "the hospitals, the doctors and the nurses are all in on it". It being genocide!! They must all be FULLY prosecuted so that all future generations will understand that "I was just following orders" is not an acceptable defense.
A lot and I mean A LOT of nurses and doctors are completely unaware of what we know. I am surprised by my nurse-friends responses to my posts about covid19.
I just don’t understand this at all. It’s their job to know these things. I know if it was me, and I worked in the medical profession, I would stay up to date on every single piece of info bc I would want to be competent at my job and at helping people survive. We are in a once-in-our-lifetime global pandemic. How are they not compelled to be the expert on covid info? I’m in finance and banking, and even I feel like I have to know what’s going on
Everyone knows that something like covid COULD NOT HAPPEN without obamacare right.
I was just saying this a couple days ago. It was like a slow dredge into hell, socialism. It couldn’t have happened without unprotected borders, exporting our jobs, no child left behind, affirmative action, etc, etc, etc... This is the work of an extremely long term plan with the complete destruction as the only bastion of freedom left within the world. It’s not China. It’s the banks.
There is a legit case to be made this is criminal. Denying him treatment endangers his life. Its no different than me handing a gun to an 8 year old or driving recklessly. They KNOW denying him these meds might lead to his death.
Oh, wait. The other kind of swinging......
Good on that one also!
Pure evil.
"Tweet not found"
Try again, its still there. If nitter doesnt work, use twitter directly.
All if Pocahontas can declare she is of American Indian heritage, so should your father!
anyone have a screenshot of this?
And the progs want Medicare for all….. I used to think it wasn’t such a bad idea, but the covid era has made me say hell no, never ever let the government have that much power over our health
I moved from US to Australia almost 20 years ago and a week after landing here, I get a call from the gubment, telling me that I qualify for the Medicare and should feel free to make use of it.
I was full on free-market libertarian at that time and I was so mad that government was wasting my tax dollars to give free medicare to everyone and I ranted about it to anyone who cared to listen, even though none understood it.
Over the years, hearing about the Obamacare debacle I started to believe that our system was a great idea - we still have nice private health, but medicare is available as well.
Only now, with Covid/Vaccine etc, I realised that real issue was never the affordability - it was a false premise artificially created by making healthcare expensive and making us think Medicare was the only way to make it affordable. The real issue is always about control. Anyone who is solely dependant on medicare can be forced to get the jab with one order (I am not sure if they implemented it, but they sure talked about it)
Almost all debates and discussions citizens have about various aspects of governance is based on false premises. This is one of the biggest takeaways from all this.
Yeah I agree with you. It’s all such a damn mess. I was an asleep normie up until middle of 2019, so it’s like I’m still learning new things every day, like a new daily understanding of how fucked things are. At first, I was like damn why do the hospitals charge $200 for one bandaid- that’s messed up! Then I was like ok maybe give everyone free basic medical care and they won’t be price gouging ppl. Then I said noooo these people will dole out the healthcare based on your skin color, political party, of whether or not you got the vax. Then I realized the hospitals would probably jack up the cost of a bandaid to $600 on M4A bc that’s just how they roll. They would definitely overcharge everything to bleed money from the taxpayers. At this point, idk what to think or how to fix it other than to tell the government to get out of every single thing
First get the Central Banks out of the way. Then reform currency so that its backed by something. Make a constitutional change that prohibits privately printed money from being backed by the government or people. Start teaching people about money, finance, the central bank scam, why big national debt is how we get enslaved (I have a feeling all these things will become abundantly clear, first hand, in the coming months).
When budget needs to be balanced and there is no funny money, you cannot have a bloated healthcare. Get the government and middle men out of the system, and the free market will take care of bringing you affordable healthcare.
Oh, when you have balanced budget and no funny money all over the world, wars will be so expensive they will not be fought unless there is a treasure thats worth more than the cost of the war.
Every problem can be fixed once you take out the funny money.
Nuremberg. No deals.