So my husband just got the official letter from his job requiring the shot. We live in Texas and our governor has said that in Texas you can’t require the vax, but my husband’s employer is based out of Kentucky where they don’t have that. Any advice or info on these grounds would be much appreciated.
Thank you so much for any help.
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If a company is doing business in TX and hiring TX residents, they follow TX law. Contact the Gov’s office.
Agreed. Also in TX and saw a friend post this a few weeks ago via FB - TX employees can call (800) 939-6631 or email regarding concerns for vaccine mandates. The statement from Gov Abbott noted “TWC will refer verified tips to the appropriate authorities for prosecution.” so that’s a starting point and something I would encourage your husband/co-workers (regardless of vax status) to report.
This. Glad it's top comment.
disregard it as long as possible, openly mock it, and finally, if ever pushed in person, say No.
The United States Constitution is the SUPREME law of our land. It guarantees your inalienable rights (it does not grant or give them, it guarantees those given by God.) It is ALL you need to assert your right to refuse this injection. See amendments 9 and 14 (section 1) in particular. Simply refuse, do not comply. If you do, be prepared to keep bending over for the rest of your life. Good luck!
Thank you. Yes you’re correct, but that’s assuming both sides are playing by the same rules. They clearly are not, all of this is unconstitutional from March 2 years ago. It’s like sitting in your house while it’s being robbed and climbing on to your kitchen table and proclaiming how illegal it is to rob your house. The robbers just look at you and continue to do what they want. Until you are able to get the right people to legally go after them and punish them, you’re pissing into the wind. So on a practical level how do we get to them to punish them or a least come at them with the credible threat of punishment? My husband will NEVER take the shot - ever.
Thank you. I have posted this umpteen times hoping to help someone and nobody ever responds. It's a bit discouraging, because it seems even some 'patriots' don't really understand how our government is supposed to work or what the Constitution even is. Hopefully, the generation of young people you are teaching will know a lot more about the supreme law of our land than the older couple of generations. Thank you for taking that sacred duty seriously. And thank you for your comment.
You know, it would be very cool and a great service to the site here if you were wiling to post things that you are learning and covering with your students. I don't know if that's something you'd consider doing, but I believe it would be something people here would really like and appreciate. As I said, even posting specific amendments for people like this OP usually gets ignored. I think people just don't know what to make of the constitution, if they even know what it is. Maybe you'd consider posting a little something weekly, (or whenever you wanted to.)
You are teaching high school students, which is awesome and hopefully they will take this seriously (if they don't now, hopefully they will remember enough to use it later in life, when the need for it becomes more apparent to them.) And a lot of people here missed out on that good teaching, or fell asleep in class, lol. It would be a great service for you to do. Btw, there's an old website online called, I think .. citizens of the American constitution. I came across it years ago and I don't know if it's updated regularly, but there is a lot of info there in case you want to peruse it and see if anything is worth discussing with your students. Thank you again for undertaking the task to bring the understanding of this important document to your students. It is life-long knowledge they will carry with them and no doubt be able to utilize at some point. Take care!
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll check it out.
I live in Texas as well and work remotely for a Rhode Island company. They sent out a letter in November saying they’d require a vaccine or weekly testing starting December 6th. I haven’t said or done anything about it and no one has said anything to me yet. I’m not sure how aggressive his company is about this but I’d just ignore it for now if he can.
Thank you. That’s what the plan is so far. I dunno how rabid that are gonna be about it, I guess we’ll see.
My job is headquartered in Texas and I work in New York. Your employer must follow the state laws in which your facility resides. My company had to allow us to use cannabis even though it's still not legal in Texas. State laws do not travel because of where a companies headquarters are. Tell your husband to simply inform hr of your states laws, don't make a fuss, but also prepare to hire a lawyer, you could have quite a suit on your hands.
Thank you for the input!
Sorry this is happening - it must be tough. I wish the best for you and I'm so glad that you are taking a stand and not getting the jab to please them.
I'm not a lawyer, but if there is any chance of legal action, I would suppose he should keep working until they outright fire him with the cause being the vaccination status.
Thank you, its just so bonkers. This stuff really just makes my head wanna explode, from absolutely every angle you look at the mandate thing (from an employers standpoint) it makes ZERO sense -none! So not only are they gonna end up losing the people who are their best and smartest, but the fools they end up with are all gonna get sick and die. We finally after almost 2 years got to see my brother, his wife, and their 6yr daughter over Christmas- they came to our House a few days then we went to theirs. They were sick the WHOLE time, like a really bad head cold. All three just yucky sick. My husband and myself and 11 yr old daughter (un jabbed and previously had the coof this summer) we feel great - no problems. My brother and his wife told my husband that my bro has been sick since his booster so it’s been weeks for him now. So I just don’t see a company holding together for long with a bunch of employees like that. Much less growing and making a profit. We all used to think the all mighty dollar would even things out, like with all the woke business, we all thought they’d knock it off when they lost money over it but for some reason that’s not true at least not anymore. It seems to not be a factor which is incredible because if you ain’t making money then nobody has a job! Ugh.
you can agree to comply with the EUA, and exercise your right under Informed Consent to decline the experimental medical product.
if the job is on the line, that is using threat, intimidation, and coercion to force submission -- thus their blanket immunity is void; ask what liability they are assuming in the case of adverse event and vaccine injury.
(most States are "at will" meaning an employer can terminate an employee any time for no reason; however, when they terminate for a reason the employee has grounds to pursue a discrimination suit).
you can also ask for their policies on protecting the workplace from covid transmission among the vaccinated, as well as the new variants which no vaccines protect against.
the points above are because employers have been put in an unwinnable position by the federal government and OSHA. these policies are not well thought through, neither enforceable or defensible. you may need a letter from a lawyer to show you intend to fight.
You are governed by the state you live not where your employer is based.
Inform the employer and if it were me I would try to get ahold of the AG 8n your state and Gov office.
Quit! why bother working for IDIOTS pleny of jobs to be had!
It's actually up to the business to decide. Just because a state doesn't have mandates, doesn't mean an employer can't have their own required business policies. It's the same reason why a bar owner can hire a bouncer to keep out angry drunks, and the angry drunks can't just sue the bar. In your husband's case, the bouncer is his employer's policies.
Awesome thank you for the resources!