Yes, he is fighting the narrative, and yes, it seems like he knows what he’s talking about, but he may not be who you all want him to be. I’m trying to compile a shit ton of information into a logical flowing article, so forgive me if this gets choppy or some parts seem out of place. Lets go back to when he initially got pissed/provoked by being censored on Linked-in.
June 30th (twitter): “My business pays for linked-in premium. I have been deleted. Purchased a service from Linked-in to promote my company. This is very different from the youtube or twitter terms… This arbitrary and capricious action has damaged our business, and we deserve to be compensated.”
“The historic record of what I have done, stated, figured out (and when) etc. over time is a key part of establishing my credibility and track record as a professional… And that has been erased completely and arbitrarily without warning or explanation.”
July 6th: Linked-in reinstates account of mRNA vaccine inventor who questions Covid-19 vaccine benefit for children.
July 19th (twitter): “So, I hope that this is hyperbole and an over-reaction, but last night an experienced journalist told me that I need to get security because I was at risk of being assassinated. I do not know how to even begin to think about this. I am just a middle class person. Security??!!??”
This instantly creates the Robert Malone is on "our side" narrative.
Robert Malone claims to have invented mRNA technology, however he did not share any scientific data. He’s supposed to own the patents, right? You truly believe those will share "real, honest information" with you then you are uber-naive. It makes no sense if he invented the "mRNA technology" or at least so he claims. With his level of knowledge, without sharing any scientific data, he will be canceled and by that reduce the credibility and stability of those who are not sure about the vaxx. it's quite simple. Malone, on Twitter admitted to being “NIH study section member or chairperson”, but, do we really know his agenda? For the most part he seems to be on the right side, but this makes me pause. He also worked on Ebola... something feels off to me.
You know what so good about Robert Malone? That he's saying the truth (half truth). You know what's bad about Robert Malone? That's he's being dictated to say the truth, he's got nothing to do with the mRNA invention, and he will be canceled and mocked after being titled as the crazy unvaxxed guru. We’re seeing this now. This is how they play with your mind. You have here a fake mRNA vaccine inventor, fake wow graphs, working on your sub consciousness that "there is a virus", while not telling you that the death rate is because of the vaccines. I would expect "a respectable scientists" like Malone to expose some scientific data instead of wow graphs.
Malone and the other fuckers keep talking about the jabs as controlled opposition, while they are the one behind this invention!? How? Why?
They keep the narrative that the virus exists, while they know how to read the genome sequence and know that it cannot spread. They know you don't know how to read genome sequences and assume you will never expect to get scientific explanations from scientists. Scientists share scientific data, period. Not live streams, scientists explore for the sake of humanity, not hidden agendas. Those who aligned with a hidden agenda will never speak science nor truth.
Pointing The Finger
Robert Malone: “I am currently reviewing/editing RFK Jr.'s (Bobby Kennedy) book regarding Anthony Fauci. It is amazing. I thought I understood what was going on from an insider POV. But this is mind blowing. AF is playing precisely the strategy that he developed and tested during the HIV days.
Bobby is on fire in this manuscript. The depth of information and facts, all carefully cited, is mindblowing. It is a must read. I think it will really help clarify what has been going down here.
The evidence is increasingly strong that the NIAID and Fauci (and by extension, both USG and CCCP) literally have blood on their hands. This must be an enormous psychological burden on USG leadership. What I am seeing looks a lot like desperation. They did this. To the world.”
In short, Robert Malone is one of the SARSCOV2 developers, he had a company that vanished, which is connected directly (through joint researchers) to the virus development, this rabbit hole goes deeper then you think.
The same team is in several places at the same time, like a fucking octopus, using DARPA (or at least trying) to get funds and other funding. Malone is used to build a very sophisticated narrative; (for future use) things like "I'm the father of mRNA technology" and "I never approved it to be used for vaccinations" hides a very dangerous narrative. He's already been de-certified as "The mRNA inventor" into "One of the mRNA fathers" and slowly people will figure that even that is false info, that has a value to "his bosses". The original SARSCOV2 was presented to "investors" as part chimeric treatment for cancer tumors. The virus is used to penetrate the tumor and the mRNA tech to destroy it, trojan style. So this is a very complex scenario, where the people who invented the mRNA technology, don’t provide any scientific evidence of their work and trials, telling you not to take the jab, so you can trust them, and eventually trust their hidden narrative/agendas. VERY SOPHISTICATED.
- They are also developing what is called 'neglected tropical diseases' while working on further mRNA vaccines for the tropical diseases they develop.
- Kind reminder that T.Cruzi (Chagas diseases parasite) was identified by Dr.Young in Pfizer shots.
- The companies and funding sources are connected to Soros as well.
- They are pushing you for vaccine argument while the SARSCOV2 can't spread, no replication mechanism in the virus.
The Zika studies were funded by a Robert Malone company (Co-Managed by Jill Glasspool Malone, PhD
Atheric Pharma is a Robert Malone company.
“The ongoing Zika virus epidemic in the Americas and the observed association with both fetal abnormalities and adult autoimmune pathology (Guillain–Barré syndrome) has brought attention to this neglected pathogen. In “Zika Fetal Neuropathogenesis: Etiology of a Viral Syndrome,” published in the most recent PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, the authors analyze Zika fetal neuropathogenesis from a comparative pathology perspective. By drawing parallels to other viral infections of the fetus.”
The authors of the paper include: Dr. Klase, Svetlana Khakhina, Adriano De Bernardi Schneider, Michael V. Callahan, Jill Glasspool-Malone and Dr. Malone (Atheric Pharmaceutical and Global Clinical Scholars Research Training Program at the Harvard Medical School)
This is Robert Malone CV from 2017.
He states in his interviews that he never wanted "his inventions" to be used for Vaccines.
"Dr. Malone has extensive research and clinical development experience in the areas of clinical trials design and implementation, vaccines, gene therapy, biodefense, and immunology
• Service on federal biotechnology/vaccines proposal study sections • Initiated and carried out research in non-viral gene therapy and DNA vaccination"
The "father of mRNA vaccine" has only one publication on mRNA from 1989: Malone RW. mRNA Transfection of cultured eukaryotic cells and embryos using cationic liposomes.
He's studied RNA transfection (introducing RNA into cells)
Father of Chimera maybe…
Malone Connections:
Callahan - avian flu (former DARPA), coronavirus with Daszak
Daszak - sars cov with Fauci and Baric and Collins
Malone - tropical stuff (related to Callahan and Kadlec)
Kadlec - is related to sars and now ebs and connected to David F Franz
Franz - is Former Fort Deitrick (mil-biodefense)
You now know why R. Malone is so dangerous. Because he is one of the connectors between Vax development and Virus development. Hillary might killed few hundreds, but Malone is responsible for billions.
Highlighted some notes from this "impressive" speech of Malone about his x-Zika research company Atheric Pharma.
"The timelines for developing new drug and the cost of either a new drug or a vaccine keep going up and up To bring new drug or new vaccine to market it takes more then 10 years and typically more then 1 billion dollars ...Solve the problems with regulatory strategies... what we've seen particularly with infectious disease [...] pharmaceutical companies can't make profits on any these infectious emerging diseases... Also behind that is the threat of engineered pathogens, which is actually very similar type of threat"
Why do you think Malone is against the mRNA vaccines? simple - Not his license, he's not making money of it.
He hold other patents in his stash...
Did I tell you about the time that Malone re-engineered Ivermectin, they are making huge money from re-using non-patented medicines.
As it seems, when he wants - he can provide scientific proofs (When they fit his hidden agendas)
More of Malone's Ivermectin (
Ivermectin: "We replicated it..." and it's highly effective against Yellow Fever
He blabs something about corona kidney disease, but it's not clear tho.
The Ivermectin obsession, recommends it for non-isolated viruses.
Read this, this to explain how come we see scientists to say 'do not take the vaccine', they develop their own diseases and are counting you on taking their vaccines (i.e Malone/Zika virus)
They need to alive, or in other words: please don't die from Pfizer's shot, but from ours. source:
Then there’s this…
Absolutely forbidden’ to give COVID shots to kids, young men and women, Jewish court rules
What is problematic in this article?
Read carefully, the Jews in this article are publicly prohibiting vaccines using the 'halacha', turning it to rabbinical verdict.
Based on testimonies of Malone "Dr. Malone is the inventor of mRNA vaccines and RNA as a drug." a claim that we previously debunked.
This move is to flame the government against the Jews, Malone also pushes their verdict publicly and rising the friction, Those naive Jews really think he's on their side. It's just to empower the friction.
The whole narrative they based their verdict can be easily canceled and that's a major problem when a judge is basing judicial decision on fear mongering monsters.
Here's a fun one
Scientists vs Science: Interviews with Mike Yeadon and Robert Malone
"Malone gets his credibility among the anti-vax and anti-COVID-vax crowd by calling himself the inventor of mRNA vaccines, which is a bit like calling a guy who worked on the combustion engine the inventor of space flight."
"Yeadon has been accusing the government of an escalating series of crimes and cover-ups. On his Twitter page, which no longer exists, he gained an impressive following over the course of 2020. He eventually created a petition with another German anti-vax doctor, Wulfgang Wodarg, demanding that the EU stop vaccine trials because according to him, they damage fertility. "
you read properly, anti-vaxx doctor... Yeadon won't tell you to go after pfizer but after your government, Yeadon won't tell you about parasites but about fertility. %50 truth worse than a lie.
Malone never invented the mRNA vaccine
"Speaking to Malone and Yeadon was a distinctly unfun experience. Yeadon personally called me stupid, a liar, immoral, and threatened to sue if I called him an anti-vaxxer (which I am not doing: Logically has long made the case that the anti-COVID vaccination movement is very different from the traditional anti-vaxx movement). Malone opted for a different tactic, telling his 106k Twitter followers to go harass me personally unless I agreed to remove Logically’s fact check about him. Both of them accused me of not understanding the science.
Science has value as a knowledge-producing institution because lots of people check your work. Journalism has value for the same reason – I am accountable to my editors, my colleagues, and my audience. If I write something that’s untrue, it damages my career, and I can get sued. If a scientist does something wrong or falsifies data, it can waste funding, damage their reputation, even cause medical harm down the line"
What $cience? Zelenko -> Yeadon -> Malone -> Callahan -> Fauci <- Daszak
(This workflow was approved by NIH Head of Bioethics)
You don't get it, The Vax triggers and wakes tropical diseases like Zika and also HIV type diseases, That's the same family of developers, Malone going against Pfizer is controlled opposition. not providing one scientific proof.
Vax triggers Zika -> Malone holds the patent for Zika vaccines
Malone is main developer, funded by NIH for Zika research.
You really think people will risk their reputation? he's not risking his reputation Malone develops bioweapons for gov't.
And now banned from twitter so the shills can turn him to a saint to discredit us. Don't you get it yet?
I’ll start off by saying I disagree with you, respectfully. Here’s why. Malone has been vocal about this from very much near the beginning. I’d say he was one of the few voices speaking out when things started to not make sense. I think that saying he’s Cabal bc he knows the Fauci and Daszak and the likes of them is the same as saying Trump is Cabal/Pedo because he jet-settled and was seen at parties with other Elites, most notably Epstein. Of course the man is going to know and work with these people bc he’s in the field and is a well known name in his respective field and now he’s being discredited when he was respected before, similarly just like Trump was before he ruffled the DS feathers. I believe he is a co-creator of mRNA technology and credited by notable mention. I believe him when he says he has no financial stake in it nor does he have a say in how his patented technologies are used, ultimately. I find it odd that, aside from a blatantly defaming and discrediting article by The Atlantic(which is leftist/commie period rag anyway) and naysayers during the plandemic, all of a sudden, in a matter of hours since the JRE podcast, I have seen more posts on 4Chan, Patriots and here trying to do the same(not saying you are per sé, I appreciate you’re questioning him) because [they] know the cat is out of the bag. Now more people than ever will hear what he has to say. I back that up by knowing that Malone, along with others, has been vocal for nearly 2 years and there’s been plenty he’s said that would warrant posts such as this, but why now? Is it bc he’s reaching a.larger audience and what he’s saying is absolutely decimating the Narrative [they] have worked so hard on keeping alive, now that it’s on life support? Please know that I am in no way calling you out OP, or trying to discredit you or be an asshoe by any means. I’m not saying he isn’t DS, I’m like you, I don’t trust but very few these days. But my instinct/gut/SpiderSense doesn’t trigger any alarm response with Malone. I feel the same with Kennedy Jr. I feel the same with McCullough. I compare this to my gut when I first saw and heard Fauci, completely different. Same with Birx. At this point, I have no fear anymore. At the beginning, I had a healthy sense of danger and with everything that’s happened, idc if everyone I ever knew in my life all became some giant conglomeration/amalgamation and formed The AntiChrist; I’m tired of guessing, second guessing and wondering “what if”. “Fear is the mind killer.” I’m reclaiming my mind from [Them]. Let the cards fall where they will, I’m ready. Respect to you OP. May God bless us all. 👊🏻🦅🇺🇸
I have to agree that there is something OFF about him. Why do all these scientists continue to talk about SARS CoV 2 as though it’s real when as far as I can tell it has still not been isolated and is nothing more than an computer model with a modelled Genome. Why has no-one who currently attacks the jabs made this argument first 🤔 Making this point would surely help to turn people against the jabs 🤔 Or do they have proof that the virus is actually out there 🤔 Then why have they not shown that proof when we were asking that question right at the start 🤔
Maybe there are more controlled people out there than we thought 🤔
Exactly why I wrote this up. We have to get people asking the right questions. If they don’t, trust no one.
They're afraid of the medical mafia which has been known to silence its critics...
The virus has been isolated many times, but has yet to be fully gene sequenced, and most testing is done with cheap tests that are not accurate. These facts get confused and obscured, especially by those who either don't see the updated data, or benefit from the confusion. The virus exists, but it is not much different from other flu viruses at this point.
Sources (there are so many, just posting a few to help guide):
Explains how PCR tests don't use proper isolated virus copies, 'cause that's too rare. So they take shortcuts and employ many assumptions as to what the tests are finding: Not to be confused with there betting no isolated virus, it's just they don't have nearly enough isolated spoofing to go along with all of the tests they do.
“You can still find the genetic traces of the 1918 virus in the seasonal flus that circulate today,” says Taubenberger. “Every single human infection with influenza A in the past 102 years is derived from that one introduction of the 1918 flu.”
In other words, the Spanish fly took over, mutated into weak but contagious strains, and taught us that viruses by their nature do this; sars-cov-2 is following suit. The kicker is that it was deadlier than Covid and it wasn't stamped out with vaccines..... it evolved to stop killing.
I hope this helps.
Hey thanks for the post 👍
I do think you may have missed the point by using NIH sources as proof that isolation of the V was achieved ( foxes guarding the henhouse 🤔 ). As far as I’m aware NO Government, Scientific or Medical entity has proven the existence of SARS CoV 2 ( although the question has been asked using FOIA and has resulted in a Negative reply 🤔 ).
As for the Spanish Flu the prevailing evidence supports the theory that it was NOT a natural event but was actually caused by inoculations.
Sooooo ! The point made previously by the OP is still valid and so far No-one has presented ANY evidence to the contrary.
The NIH is simply publishing articles from other sources. Typical though, if there is evidence that disproves a narrative, humans attack the source.
You say as far as you are aware there had been no isolation, but you are now aware. You are now purposefully ignoring and not looking for evidence that's there. The US did it in March 2020, but they don't use it in testing, which is the REAL issue. By propagating the fake issue you help discredit the sceptic movement. You say the Spanish flu was not a natural event, which is a red herring; I never said it was. Rather, I brought it up to show how viruses evolve to be less harmful, as cov2 has now done.
The point here is that dogma has oversimplified many skeptics. I'd suggest you learn the actual facts, current ones, and spread those. You don't need to refer to a video of a prominent "speaker" making generalized claims, you can literally show people scientific papers that show: PCR tests are garbage cov2 is a harmless as the flu it was man made Masks don't work Mrna Vaccines don't work well/ cause harm Natural immunity is superior to all Many therapies exist
Your can do this without relying on really falsifiable or outdated claims such as: Cov2 has never been isolated Vaccines cause covid (they cause a similar response though)
Basically, I'm trying to show folks here that we hurt our cause by running away with old or exaggerated facts. I suggest looking at source data yourself. If a claim is made, try looking up the evidence and counter evidence.
Well done 👍 An excellent example of Obfuscation.
Let’s keep to the topic that started this thread hmmm !
Dr Malone and others may or may not be that which we think they are and we should always be willing to accept that our opinion may change as new info is unearthed. The OP and myself have decided that we don’t necessarily agree with all that we are seeing in this regard and have questioned it in order to make our opinion known and warn others of our concerns. This may lead to engagement with others which may or may not alleviate those concerns. This platform has been so successful because of this ability to ask questions, test theories and seek the help of people with greater knowledge….it also means that there are also people who are here to get in the way of that process and lead us astray….hmmm ! What are the chances 🤔
Anyway thanks for your reply but until I see the proof I will continue to voice my concern on these matters.
I’m glad you said it - I thought maybe I was the only one - I stopped listening to Malone some time ago. You present extensive research to back up what was simply an intuition on my part. I just “knew” I didn’t want to hear what he had to say anymore, and you’ve helped me understand why. Bravo for your efforts, and happy New Year.
Well done. There is something off about every single one of them who is on "our side". They all push the notion that the virus is real and a threat and all of them have been "jabbed". Every one of them. Rogan asked him straight up near the start of the show "Are you jabbed?" and he reluctantly said yes.
"Delta is wicked bad. It can put you in the hospital for a month or two". Just nonsense.
Controlled opp.
hannity has him on his radio show all the time and kisses his ass
OK, so suppose he is not what he seems. I have to add that I was surprised to hear on the Rogan interview that given his background in mRNA, connections to govt. scientists and work (and infection) with "the original Wuhan virus," that he'd go and get 2 jabs of Moderna. (And, how did he get some original Wuhan to work with?)
Even the controlled opposition can provide valuable info though, so I'd like to hear more discussion on this. Why would Trump suggest that we're "playing into their hands?"
We'll see. Hopefully he is just treading lightly and picking his battles. He doesn't want to overwhelm the normies.
I agree though that discussing covid as if it is a real threat makes him a little suspect. I wish he would discuss the isolation and identification of viruses.
Curious how many proctologists we have posting on this site? your own research....make a decision for yourself. We don't need a prophet to follow into battle....end of statement.
Appreciate your detailed sitrep.
How r u able to write lengthy articles like this?
I've tried to relate and share data about Ivermictin and I'm limited by so many characters.
What you post supersedes immensely.
Inquiring minds want to know.
I usually throw everything onto a word document, then edit out fluff, then copy and paste it here (paragraph by paragraph), add connotations, then add links. Note that I do it from my computer not phone for the long ones. Never had a problem
Appreciate your response. I've utilzed my cell. Good to know. TY
Eh, will wait and see
Nevertheless he was against the clot shot crew
Maybe I’m cynical, but I don’t fucking trust anyone right now. Lmao
I trust myself, my instincts, and my ability to understand human nature, and how it hasn't changed much over the last 5000 years.
Further, I understand how deep a criminal cabal could become with the monetary power of a central banking system that leeches off almost the entire world.
Yea until i hear 1 of these guys break out and bring up if germ theory is true at all, seems like more controlled op pushing a narative. Joe Rogan too that fuck.