Whelp... It's time to WELCOME our DOUBLE- and even TRIPLE-UNVAXXED new frens! Are you one of our "got vaxxed but are now done with this bullshit" lurkers? Please introduce yourself here! We kmow. You sincerely thought you were helping society. Now you're see what we see! JOIN US!

Know to all of you lurking - we don't care that you got the shot. Most of the world (supposedly) has. We do however care and congratulate you for realising it is a con you were sold, before the rest of society figures out they were turned into Guinea pigs, and who will likely be the spearhead for the coming resurgence of the Nuremberg trials.
Legal theories, precedents and personnel for the Nuremberg 2.0 trials are being assembled as you read this. Please save whatever evidence you have and record your memories of the most outrageous events. In addition to the horrifying court cases, there will be histories, novels, and movies based on this for the next 75 years. We want to keep them as authentic as possible.
Mine is simple. My wife died 10 days after her second jab. Took over 12 weeks to get a pathology report, and the pathologist from Barts' at UCL claimed it was a DVT in her right leg due to her "sedentary lifestyle" and claimed that he "couldn't prove one way or the other" if astra caused the DVT. This came just as things started heating up on the "need" for lock downs here again.
My presumption now is the entire medical profession under the NHS is compromised. I have zero faith in any doctor towing the line as a result, and consider 90% of medical professionals as oath breakers.
😩 Sorry, fren. That sucks.
Is what it is, u/catsfive.
I knew all the institutions must fall to ash before they can be reborn, but even I didn't want to believe it was this bad, or that all major professional services are broken. What it took for me to accept that "yep, it's exactly as bad as the worst case scenario you wanted to believe wasn't the case" is well known to you and the others here.
A shame I had to have my worst fear realised to actually believe what I knew, but as a plus, now I have no real fear. If I die or live tomorrow, I couldn't care less. If I live, I can keep doing good here and in my own way in RL. If I die, I'll be reunited with my beloved once more. Either way is a win for me.
Wow…..disturbing, to say the least about this situation. The fact that y’all advocated, loudly, is why he has survived. The doctors/nurses/medical professionals are having their hands tied by bought off administrators! Totally criminal. Pharmacists too. Love AFLDs for their commitment to truth and I’ll say “holistic” care. Patriots should definitely support them. Praying for your dad and family.
Have you considered having that doctor that wanted to help write the request for blood work for your Dad and taking it to an independent lab, one NOT associated with the hospital he was in? It may be expensive (if not covered by insurance) but well worth it, even for peace of mind.
I also suggest getting a copy of your Dad's hospital record (before the blood work). Evidence gathering.
We had the hospital go behind our back and claim our mom had "given consent" herself to Remdesivir when my sister wasn't there. Sis was healthcare POA and had already told them not to put her on a ventilator. Hospital claimed Mom was "of sound mind" at the time, which was baloney. They killed her. We are keeping the evidence for the inevitable class action lawsuits/Nuremburg II trials.
I can only speak to England here. The NHS has a death grip on medicine here, and to me it looks like the British love this sacred cow enough to die for its lies, alas. I hope to be proven wrong, but doubt it.
The hospitals, doctors and nurses are all (with very few exceptions) in on this evil genocide. Their greed and evilness has, as you have said caused them to violate their oath. There must be accountability in the medical profession if we are to ever avoid a repeat of this in the future.
My understanding is that the oath was changed. They removed "first, do no harm." I researched that a while ago and it is NOT in the oath.
I'm terribly sorry fren :(
I know a pharmacist that knows Ivermectin is perfectly fine & will tell you so unofficially but got an IN STORE visit from the board of health about it & doesn't want to risk losing his business. I would bet anyone in any medical position has been warned one way or the other. So know they can't say but by telling you it was thrombosis is almost like telling you. Thrombosis is almost certainly the jab, especially if it was just 10 days out. I am really so sorry
We are slowly learning more about how this poison works in the body and what is the underlying mechanisms that cause such a variety of presentations. Here is a PDF that shows what most autopsies are missing - because they are not looking for it on this histological level. The makers of these kill shots are fully aware that these findings for the most part will continue to go unnoticed by the majority of examiners. On COVID vaccines: why they cannot work, and irrefutable evidence of their causative role in deaths after vaccination
I remember your story fren, and if I did not say it before, my prayers and thoughts are with you. God bless you.
Some people care... but most of us are adults and know the power of Gov lying to people.
Very well said!