Remember my earlier discussion on how the devil sets you up for what the devil believes will be your expected reaction? Remember how I urged that you should react by doing the opposite?
The enemy wants/expects President Trump to back off his support of the “vaccines” so that he can maintain his supporters. If he does so, the enemy will pounce on him to blame him for prior deaths and injuries allegedly from the “vaccines” (most of which I believe are related to the malpractice in treatment) and will also then blame him for future deaths and injuries because he did not continue to promote the “vaccines” and people did not take it for that reason.
President Trump did the OPPOSITE. He doubled down on the “vaccines.” That decision drives the devil crazy and forces him to come up with another plan to take down President Trump.
As a side note, does anyone actually know what was in the “Trump vaccines” versus what is in the “vaccines” being distributed and promoted by the enemy? Could there be a possible Trump card still to be played???
In terms of spiritual warfare, I think President Trump knows what he is doing. I support him.
I urge you not to play into the enemy’s hands. Keep supporting President Trump.
Wait until ALL the evidence is in before you judge President Trump. Remember, for 5+++ years, he has been fighting for freedom and the American people. I think he has been a true Patriot all of his life.
President Trump has earned our support. Don’t let the enemy shake your faith in him now.
Our country is in the midst of a war. President Trump is our wartime leader. He keeps his promises.
I believe when the war is over, President Trump will have drained the swamp and will Make America Great America.
United we stand. Divided we fall.
I could be right in my analysis or I could be wrong. Only God knows and as for us, only time will tell. God works His will on Earth through His children.
Trust God.
Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸
There are definitely conflicts of interest. Q trusts Flynn. Trump trusts Flynn.
Disinformation is necessary
And agreeing on everything was never the point. But honestly I've felt the divisive language has been play acting to throw the enemy off. Not sure if I agree with that tactic... unless we're to take it in terms of friends busting each other's balls... "Hey watch me say this about you and send the media in a tizzy. Lol."
This 1000%.
The Flynn vs Wood thing is about confusing the enemy and rooting out bad actors from the inner circle.
It's also rooting out idiots that are in the movement.
It's not good if you can handwave away all possible negatives with "disinformation is necessary"
Really, cause the enemy thinks that within “Qanon” they are all fighting and discrediting each other to the public.
I mean if I wanted my mom to think I wasn’t smoking pot as a teenager, I could give her disinfo that I’m openly against it and shame people who do it (when in reality I’m misleading)
You believe we will win yet you have maybe 1 percent t of the truth. So you use some rational to keep going whatever it is. You still do it.
I know. I am waiting and seeing before I decide about Flynn and Powell. He IS right about MTG and Vernon Jones tho.