Why should people with no symptoms of illness be tested for disease?? Fear? or this . . .
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Your doctor would refer you to a psychologist too if you kept showing up to the Doctor's office healthy.
That's sad. I see my doctors face to face every few months. And without a stupid mask either.
Or he’d just “find” something wrong. A lot of them do that now.
Great meme. It will be sent out. It will offend many. It will bring me much amusement.
Their replies - U can't see the virus. But it's real and it's everywhere. It's allover everything. It's allover you. I will just keep repeating this until you either believe it, or so tired of me saying it that u believe it to make the pain stop. See how that works.
Also in the same breath, immune systems don't exist because I can't see them. That's conspiracy theory.
And washed their hands all the time.
Geez yes, I think the jab is melting peoples brains, they have no common sense anymore.
The intentional "stupidfying" of Americans has been part of the agenda for at least 50 years. After watching Mark Dice's videos, for me all doubt has been removed, the average American is an utter moron. Einstein said it well, "The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits".
Unfortunately the medical industry has programed people through the years to become hypochondriacs. Primed them for this planned event.
More specifically, the pharmaceutical industry.
The pharmaceutical industry controls the medical industry. So, yeah.
Now, I don't have the research skills but it would be great to see a thread outlining this relationship of control from organization to organization to government agency FDA CDC to organization.
Yes, that would be a very enlightening rabbit hole.
Who makes money when needless tests are done on healthy people? That's why healthy people are tested endlessly.
mandated extortion
money from people and their taxes, to a couple private firms -- who lobby medical institutions and government to obtain this favor.
How is this not illegal? How is it tolerated?
How can the rest of us develop a gravy train like this?
This happens everywhere. Legislatures are lobbied by special interest groups with money into their re-election campaigns. In turn, the legislator authors a bill that benefits the special interest group, and usually it is always for the safety of the public. The law goes into effect, then the people pay, and the money goes to the special interest group.
I moved out of CA and this practice has destroyed CA. The Communists have taken over.
We just call the cowards now.
For real. What this "pandemic" really proves is how people are nothing but a bunch of melodramatic hypochondriacs. Got nothing better to do than spend their free time going to a doctor's clinic with 0 symptoms.
Without these fake tests we couldn’t hold on to our fake pandemic.
Does anybody know how they are testing now that the PCR test reached its recall date?
Lots of mental illness and deviance is being normalized
I've been saying this FOREVER
I remember a time when doctors who prescribed or ordered tests or procedures without proving medical necessity (symptoms) were fined and penalized for violating the False Claims Act (FCA). Triple damages and 3 to 5 years in the big house. What's changed? The FCA is over 150 years old.
Oh, they exist. If their compulsion was cutting themselves they would get some treatment, but worrying about their health is just prudent concern.
Mental midgets.
Well, I've not had any employer paid Covid Time Off. My work is still paying, but feel like that window of opportunity is going to be closing soon. A positive test may be in my near future.