When you are ninety, smiling too vigorously can cause you to sprain your back. So can a good sneeze. A little old lady can sprain her back reaching for her back-scratcher.
Having once sprained my back and suffered a subluxation of my 5th lumbar vertebra, I can testify to how easily it can happen. The elderly are far more prone to such problems, even though for a younger person the same problem would be shrugged off. One can raise an eyebrow at official explanations, but there is no need to sneer at a possibly truthful one, when the injury could be quite painful and debilitating. (Ever tried to wipe your ass with a strained back?)
"sprained her back"? What was she doing, clean and jerk with no belt?
A royal that sprains their back? Yeah not buying it at all.
When you are ninety, smiling too vigorously can cause you to sprain your back. So can a good sneeze. A little old lady can sprain her back reaching for her back-scratcher.
Chasing a crawling baby through the dungeons.
"Get back here, you little shit, I'm not going to hurt you" 🤔
Nightmarish. She wouldn’t have been wearing IT’s human meat sack either?!
Nailed it
Having once sprained my back and suffered a subluxation of my 5th lumbar vertebra, I can testify to how easily it can happen. The elderly are far more prone to such problems, even though for a younger person the same problem would be shrugged off. One can raise an eyebrow at official explanations, but there is no need to sneer at a possibly truthful one, when the injury could be quite painful and debilitating. (Ever tried to wipe your ass with a strained back?)