Kirk: "Sulu, Make it so". Shields up. Scotty, check the Dlithium* Crystals. Bones, get me a cigar."
*Dilithium, Li₂, is a strongly electrophilic, diatomic molecule comprising two lithium atoms covalently bonded together. Li₂ is known in the gas phase. It has a bond order of 1, an internuclear separation of 267.3 pm and a bond energy of 102 kJ/mol or 1.06eV in each bond.
The Federation has been compromised by the Reptilians. It must be completely destroyed and rebuilt from scratch. 🦎
There are a few good men there still, but it has been infiltrated over decades and centuries by 🦎.
Maybe our Klingon allies can educate us more on Vril’s weaknesses? Spock, contact General Korg in Klingon Empire! Sulu, warp-2 to the Boundaries!!
Kirk: "Sulu, Make it so". Shields up. Scotty, check the Dlithium* Crystals. Bones, get me a cigar."
*Dilithium, Li₂, is a strongly electrophilic, diatomic molecule comprising two lithium atoms covalently bonded together. Li₂ is known in the gas phase. It has a bond order of 1, an internuclear separation of 267.3 pm and a bond energy of 102 kJ/mol or 1.06eV in each bond.
I’m gonna transfer you to Engineering since you won’t fill my Ivermectin scrip?!!
I'm sending you a mud bath and a coffee enema. I only do that for my most favorite patients!