It's just a picture, why you so mad bruh?? Even the title says... just a picture that was floating around a year ago, with the supposed explanation attached to it. This is not the first time this has been seen. It's just a picture. For Throw-Back Thursday.
How do i know they are gay?
Look at all that fobidden fruit.
It is by design. Not saying you don't know this, but that's the real reason.
I work for the Fed and we don’t use Apple laptops.
That's because your boss isn't above the law like theirs :P
Any idea where to get this gif outside of this site?
I wish I could save all the gifts on here. The joker one kills me
Not a clue
Bummer. Its a good one.
"The Galactic Federation".
Beam me up, Scotty.
Q 1615
Of course its apple. The Apple that cursed Adam and eve, has the bite taken out and everything, much seimballism
Came here to post this.
They are evil to the core, conscious of it or not.
Why have I never seen this before?
I looked for this photo for an hour as a snide comeback to a leftist neighbor and couldn’t find it. Thank you.
Apparently they got the boxes their laptop came in too! (Left corner)
Hey upon further inspection of this picture, I saw that too! And I was like well would you look at that!
I just capped this screen shot in a haste when I nabbed it! But it went around the web many times. Funny how hysteria works...
It's just a picture, why you so mad bruh?? Even the title says... just a picture that was floating around a year ago, with the supposed explanation attached to it. This is not the first time this has been seen. It's just a picture. For Throw-Back Thursday.
But please, cry harder.
Taken seriously!?!?!?! Who in the hell said I wanted to be taken seriously??? If I wanted to be taken seriously, I would call Jizzlane & Co...
Canada's former defense minister said the same thing. Paul Hellyer.
Exactly what I thought the entire time...
Dude, this is like.... The most ultimate proofey proofers ayver!! It's from an entity with a sketchy name...