864 CAN STOP (media.patriots.win) N C S W I C posted 3 years ago by catsfive 3 years ago by catsfive +865 / -1 65 comments download share 65 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
This was organized don't kid yourself.
How to know if your local coup is a white hat operation:
Your authoritarian government, which projected a false image of overwhelming popularity, was just forced to dissolve by a truly popular insurrection.
The global media comes up with a ridiculously mundane reason like gas prices.
The government imposes an internet blackout.
The military is reluctant to fire upon insurrecting citizens due to sympathy.
A member of your oligarchy does business with Hunter Biden and gets arrested.
Well stated.
"A false image of overwhelming popularity"
That sounds like another country where the media is propping up the current administration with propaganda. Gee, I wonder why they're so desperate to disarm us?
We can use you in a government office somewhere. Please consider running or applying :).
I've always thought Russia was one of the good guys in all this. Mainly because the narrative has been that Russia is evil.
Couldn't it be that Russia isn't evil or good just doesn't bend the knee. That is all that it takes to be evil to the cabal.
Sooo.... just like there are the globohomos have in-fighting... CFR vs Bilderberg etc... the white hats will have them too...
Not sure who is who ... who is good bad... but Russia being on our side or another bad actor is possible...
Maybe they want to take Kazakhstan back