Back in the 80's, my brother and I went to all sorts of UFO symposiums and lectures. One thing a speaker said has always stayed at the forefront of my memory. I'm sorry I cannot recall the guy's name. He had a book out and was a UFO researcher. He said, "A lot of abductees lived in haunted houses."
Because we had this obsession with UFO's and happened to live in a haunted house as children, we looked at each other in a bit of shock when he said that; it brought the whole idea too close to home. Are ghosts and ET's related? Demons maybe? Or just other dimensional entities? Our dad was negative RH. Is this why we thought we might have ET influence? I've always wondered.
At the same general time, my brother had a roommate who claimed he saw a UFO flying over the apartments they lived in which was in a pretty big city in Kansas. I was highly skeptical because it seemed too convenient, bro and I into UFOlogy and this guy Happens to see a UFO in this populated area? Not only was he claiming he saw one, but he was also claiming he experienced missing time. Soon I was convinced he was making it all up. He said, "I have an interview with some MUFON people." I'm thinking, 'Yeah Right, sure ya do!' Then a few days later he said, "They're going to come over and hypnotically regress me." Now I thought maybe the investigators Were real and this guy wasn't making things up. As it turns out, there really was a MUFON investigation and they came to the apartment and proceeded to do a hypnotic regression on this guy. I insisted they let me stay and I would observe their regression because after all I was a UFO nut.
They did let me stay and watch. It was the most amazing experience. I guess this man really did have an experience. I learned from the MUFON people that there were numerous sightings on the same date in question, as well as a report from a nearby town that a grey was reported standing outside someone's sliding glass door. Then They had missing time. The MUFON people told me if they followed up on every report within the 4 state area, it would be a full time job, however both of them were professionals (they were both social workers) who did MUFON stuff on the side.
Also, my ex and I saw a UFO in the late 80's while camping. It was late and we were drinking, but we definitely both saw it. I remember saying to my ex, "Think it's an UFO?" He said "I don't know". We watched as this bright blueish white light silently came towards us and just as it got directly overhead, it just went out, disappeared. There was no outline of a craft or any sound. It was just gone. When we went back to our tent, it seemed a couple hours later than we thought it was, but again, since we were drinking, it's up for debate what happened.
Once I had children, on vacation one time we were driving past Garden of the Gods in Colorado. It was dusk and my oldest son was about 7 or 8 at that time. (This would have been 1996 or 97).As we drove past that park, my son gasped and said, "Momma I just saw some aliens standing around a rock!" I looked over and I saw nothing. I figured it was my fault for being a UFO enthusiast and he was just projecting or something. But he did go on to describe that they were wearing long robes and there were 3 or 4 or them he said. Nonetheless, I really didn't believe him. However, the next night we were driving home back to Kansas and we were listening to the Art Bell show. He mentioned that there were over a thousand UFO sightings in the Colorado Springs area the night before! As I type this I'm getting goosebumps. I no longer thought it was my son's imagination after hearing that. I think children can sometimes see stuff we cannot see.
The "lights" described as you have, out in the woods amongst trees, and reported by many others, are not alien craft, but have been associated with the Sasquatch phenomenon.
No. What we "know" about Sasquatch could be written in a couple of paragraphs. They can "cloak" themselves mysteriously, and there are photographs and video of this, where they somehow imitate the background and/or appear to let light pass through them. They can also travel from location to location by passing through some sort of dimensional portal. These have been photographed as well, and a couple of unsuspecting hikers unwittingly walked through portals -- then backed out quickly. They can be seen walking, without leaving tracks. They can make a single footprint appear in a location with no others nearby.
I say the above to somewhat answer the question. It is theorized that Sasquatch can also travel as these lights that have been seen in areas with Sasquatch sightings. The lights move intelligently. Also, there are a handful of sightings where the Sasquatch were seen "holding" the ball of light against their chest, or observing lights where the beings were previously seen.
The psychic capabilities of Sasquatch are well-documented, far, far beyond what humans might be capable of.
I have extensive notes transcribed from the most interesting sightings, in an effort to learn more about this.
Back in the 80's, my brother and I went to all sorts of UFO symposiums and lectures. One thing a speaker said has always stayed at the forefront of my memory. I'm sorry I cannot recall the guy's name. He had a book out and was a UFO researcher. He said, "A lot of abductees lived in haunted houses." Because we had this obsession with UFO's and happened to live in a haunted house as children, we looked at each other in a bit of shock when he said that; it brought the whole idea too close to home. Are ghosts and ET's related? Demons maybe? Or just other dimensional entities? Our dad was negative RH. Is this why we thought we might have ET influence? I've always wondered. At the same general time, my brother had a roommate who claimed he saw a UFO flying over the apartments they lived in which was in a pretty big city in Kansas. I was highly skeptical because it seemed too convenient, bro and I into UFOlogy and this guy Happens to see a UFO in this populated area? Not only was he claiming he saw one, but he was also claiming he experienced missing time. Soon I was convinced he was making it all up. He said, "I have an interview with some MUFON people." I'm thinking, 'Yeah Right, sure ya do!' Then a few days later he said, "They're going to come over and hypnotically regress me." Now I thought maybe the investigators Were real and this guy wasn't making things up. As it turns out, there really was a MUFON investigation and they came to the apartment and proceeded to do a hypnotic regression on this guy. I insisted they let me stay and I would observe their regression because after all I was a UFO nut. They did let me stay and watch. It was the most amazing experience. I guess this man really did have an experience. I learned from the MUFON people that there were numerous sightings on the same date in question, as well as a report from a nearby town that a grey was reported standing outside someone's sliding glass door. Then They had missing time. The MUFON people told me if they followed up on every report within the 4 state area, it would be a full time job, however both of them were professionals (they were both social workers) who did MUFON stuff on the side. Also, my ex and I saw a UFO in the late 80's while camping. It was late and we were drinking, but we definitely both saw it. I remember saying to my ex, "Think it's an UFO?" He said "I don't know". We watched as this bright blueish white light silently came towards us and just as it got directly overhead, it just went out, disappeared. There was no outline of a craft or any sound. It was just gone. When we went back to our tent, it seemed a couple hours later than we thought it was, but again, since we were drinking, it's up for debate what happened. Once I had children, on vacation one time we were driving past Garden of the Gods in Colorado. It was dusk and my oldest son was about 7 or 8 at that time. (This would have been 1996 or 97).As we drove past that park, my son gasped and said, "Momma I just saw some aliens standing around a rock!" I looked over and I saw nothing. I figured it was my fault for being a UFO enthusiast and he was just projecting or something. But he did go on to describe that they were wearing long robes and there were 3 or 4 or them he said. Nonetheless, I really didn't believe him. However, the next night we were driving home back to Kansas and we were listening to the Art Bell show. He mentioned that there were over a thousand UFO sightings in the Colorado Springs area the night before! As I type this I'm getting goosebumps. I no longer thought it was my son's imagination after hearing that. I think children can sometimes see stuff we cannot see.
The "lights" described as you have, out in the woods amongst trees, and reported by many others, are not alien craft, but have been associated with the Sasquatch phenomenon.
I love Sasquatch! But this was overhead in the moonless sky.
Are you taking about fox fire? Iām unfamiliar with lights in relation to Sasquatch.
No. What we "know" about Sasquatch could be written in a couple of paragraphs. They can "cloak" themselves mysteriously, and there are photographs and video of this, where they somehow imitate the background and/or appear to let light pass through them. They can also travel from location to location by passing through some sort of dimensional portal. These have been photographed as well, and a couple of unsuspecting hikers unwittingly walked through portals -- then backed out quickly. They can be seen walking, without leaving tracks. They can make a single footprint appear in a location with no others nearby.
I say the above to somewhat answer the question. It is theorized that Sasquatch can also travel as these lights that have been seen in areas with Sasquatch sightings. The lights move intelligently. Also, there are a handful of sightings where the Sasquatch were seen "holding" the ball of light against their chest, or observing lights where the beings were previously seen.
The psychic capabilities of Sasquatch are well-documented, far, far beyond what humans might be capable of.
I have extensive notes transcribed from the most interesting sightings, in an effort to learn more about this.
Interesting I will check into it further.
Interesting you mention RH negative blood type, I read somewhere that this blood type is more likely to experience UFO / haunting types of encounters.
I've heard that too.