Well..."Strange" Incidents on Mount Shasta....
The mountain is believed to be one of the seven sacred peaks on earth. Shasta’s legends include those about UFOs, aliens, angels, spirit guides and adepts.
Several documented cases of alleged encounters include the following:
1904: J.C. Brown, an explorer for a British mining company, reported that he discovered a cavern in the side of the mountain that held a giant skeleton with hieroglyphics on its walls.
1932: Edward Lanser sighted a clan of people garbed in white robes with a vast amount of gold that was living on Shasta’s higher elevations.
1934: Abraham Mansfield said he met a tribe of Lemurians who had dug tunnels connecting Mount Shasta with the Bluff Creek region.
1972: A San Jose man sighted a reptilian hominid. Others saw dwarfs, hairy humanoids and white-robed giants.
Well..."Strange" Incidents on Mount Shasta.... The mountain is believed to be one of the seven sacred peaks on earth. Shasta’s legends include those about UFOs, aliens, angels, spirit guides and adepts.
Several documented cases of alleged encounters include the following:
1904: J.C. Brown, an explorer for a British mining company, reported that he discovered a cavern in the side of the mountain that held a giant skeleton with hieroglyphics on its walls.
1932: Edward Lanser sighted a clan of people garbed in white robes with a vast amount of gold that was living on Shasta’s higher elevations.
1934: Abraham Mansfield said he met a tribe of Lemurians who had dug tunnels connecting Mount Shasta with the Bluff Creek region.
1972: A San Jose man sighted a reptilian hominid. Others saw dwarfs, hairy humanoids and white-robed giants.
It is California, after all :)