I'm in the Law of One camp as well. It explained everything so thoroughly and elegantly that for the first time I felt like I had found real answers to all the mysteries I had been captivated by since I was a child. UFOs, alien encounters, near death experiences, confirmed cases of reincarnation, hidden history, ancient advanced megaliths, all the senseless evil and dysfunction in the world, it all makes perfect sense now.
Check out The Hidden Hand (2008) and Eracidni Murev Te (2018) if you haven't already - both are interviews with cabal insiders who give a more readable and up to date view about what's going on with humanity, the latter even predicted the shitshow we're in now. Spoiler alert: the best is yet to come.
I'm in the Law of One camp as well. It explained everything so thoroughly and elegantly that for the first time I felt like I had found real answers to all the mysteries I had been captivated by since I was a child. UFOs, alien encounters, near death experiences, confirmed cases of reincarnation, hidden history, ancient advanced megaliths, all the senseless evil and dysfunction in the world, it all makes perfect sense now.
Check out The Hidden Hand (2008) and Eracidni Murev Te (2018) if you haven't already - both are interviews with cabal insiders who give a more readable and up to date view about what's going on with humanity, the latter even predicted the shitshow we're in now. Spoiler alert: the best is yet to come.
Reminds me of the Bhagavad Gita
The law of one is just pantheism. This is not a new concept. Look at Hinduism.