Hey, deep state! WE'RE STANDING RIGHT BEHIND YOU. Nothing can stop DWAC!
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You really need to get out of Robbinghood.
All my crypto is on crypto.com and celsius, I sold most of my shares, I'm just hanging on to stocks where I'm at a major loss
I'm on Coinbase for the only crypto I own. Etherium - it has been very stressful, to the point that I don't even check the balance after seeing " down" alerts more than Biden lies. Gonna hang on 'til I get back to zero and then get out. I'm only in at 2500
I bought 1 btc at 20,000 a while back, got too nervous and sold at break even. Few months later it hit over 60,000
I'm gonna hold long term. Dollar is dying. Gold, silver, crypto for me.
Yeah, I know clients who made millions with Bitcoin. I like metaks but am not sold on crypto. Forecasts did show that ETH is expected to multiply, and at only 2.5K in can let it simmer.
Too late to do for last year but you can always sell enough loses to offset any gains in terms of taxes on the year.
I'd rather hold and wait for some gains but end of year I'll sell to offset gains at this point assuming I sell anything.
Just hold on to Gamestop and we all win in the end.