Yup two pictures, restaurant pic and a guilty looking person peeing in a pool pic. Don’t need the dialogue boxes, just the bottom statement. “Wearing a mask to enter a restaurant & taking it off to eat is like having a peeing section in a public swimming pool.”
Or a cartoon with a masked person sitting in a swimming pool on the left of frame with someone standing on the pool deck right of frame, back to the audience, pissing in the swimming pool with all the text you recommended…
Unfortunately it's not about making sense for them. It's now a hip trend bc you know, you care about other people so what could be better than that? They're hypnotized and not even a loved one getting severely injured from or dieing from vax will even wake them up. I have a mom in my neighborhood, got vaxed in third trimester. Baby born with enlarged heart and had to stay in hospital a while after birth. She got her booster though. Not sure what will wake them up, and don't think some ever will.
Wow, that surprises me. Then again, NYC went straight to the vaccine passport didn't they? Can't get in unless you are vaccinated? Thought I saw a story about a 5 year old kid that couldn't get in a restaurant.
I suppose someone could tell them that the vaccine doesn't stop infection or stop the spread, but I have a feeling they know they're right and everyone else is a conspiracy theorizing domestic terrorist. Good luck to you, fren. You're inside the perimeter. That's for sure.
I have never worn a mask. I ate at a restaurant for supper this evening and didn't wear a mask at all. I don't own a mask.
I have a doctor visit next month. I won't be wearing a mask there either. The doctor, the nurses, and the entire staff in that office don't wear masks either.
Excellent meme idea, needs refinement
Thanks. I agree. What are your ideas? I'd love to fine tune it.
Yup two pictures, restaurant pic and a guilty looking person peeing in a pool pic. Don’t need the dialogue boxes, just the bottom statement. “Wearing a mask to enter a restaurant & taking it off to eat is like having a peeing section in a public swimming pool.”
Or a cartoon with a masked person sitting in a swimming pool on the left of frame with someone standing on the pool deck right of frame, back to the audience, pissing in the swimming pool with all the text you recommended…
Best I can do https://files.catbox.moe/8570c1.jpg
I love it! That's a great improvement! Make a post with that please.
Nice work. Well done!
🤣 WOW! Unreal.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
But you know the murderer-governors reaction to this meme would be to make you wear your mask while eating or close the whole restaurant down.
I think I saw one of the commie restaurants out there declaring patrons must put their masks back on after every bite. I'm sure that went well!
Unfortunately it's not about making sense for them. It's now a hip trend bc you know, you care about other people so what could be better than that? They're hypnotized and not even a loved one getting severely injured from or dieing from vax will even wake them up. I have a mom in my neighborhood, got vaxed in third trimester. Baby born with enlarged heart and had to stay in hospital a while after birth. She got her booster though. Not sure what will wake them up, and don't think some ever will.
I here you loud and clear and agree with you completely.
However, if there is one chance, just one chance, to take all the days from that day to this, would you come back here today and fight!
Well said my fren, well said.
The mind blowing part is that people do go with it.
😆 Great analogy!!👍🏼
The only thing missing is if the air around them could turn yellow when they breath!!😉
the level of stupidity can only be measured by sane people like the unvaccinated. the completely brainwashed vaccinated don't seem to get the irony.
The one standing looks like AOC. Is she taking their drink orders?
The mandate in NYC says masks aren't required in restaurants. I haven't worn one at work in well over a year.
Wow, that surprises me. Then again, NYC went straight to the vaccine passport didn't they? Can't get in unless you are vaccinated? Thought I saw a story about a 5 year old kid that couldn't get in a restaurant.
That's their rationale. Theoretically, everyone's vaccinated, so no mask required.
I suppose someone could tell them that the vaccine doesn't stop infection or stop the spread, but I have a feeling they know they're right and everyone else is a conspiracy theorizing domestic terrorist. Good luck to you, fren. You're inside the perimeter. That's for sure.
Thank you. I'm unvaccinated myself. Purchased papers so I can work.
Awesome! I wasn't sure and didn't really know what to say.
Onward Patriot!
That's why I don't eat at restaurants that play this game.
This idea came originally from a joke of statement that I heard and have used for years.
"Having a smoking area in a restaurant is like having a peeing area in a pool. Eventually it will get to you!"
I looked at comments and did not see this mentioned and wanted to give some of the background about the meme. Great job on the meme and thank you.
The worst disease ever floats around at standing height, but you're safe when you're sitting down. Gotta go to the bathroom? You're at risk!
Except it's really more like everyone is pissing everywhere all the time in the pool, because masks don't work.
Our chemical turns pee blue.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂oh my!!!! I almost peed myself laughing at this
Like Get Smart's Cone of Silence: https://imgur.com/a/rsd1Ppu
I have never worn a mask. I ate at a restaurant for supper this evening and didn't wear a mask at all. I don't own a mask.
I have a doctor visit next month. I won't be wearing a mask there either. The doctor, the nurses, and the entire staff in that office don't wear masks either.
I will not comply.
Pretty gross.