It states that the occupation of territory shall cease after one year of general close of military operations.
One year of occupied status would be 1/20/2022.
I’ve read through it for 20 minutes. I can’t decipher this stuff. Anyone wanna dive in and see if this is actually something?!
Ignoramus. You are so out of the loop.
This shill is hilarious. I just deported, now regret it. Mods, can you instead create a shrine to guy?
Lol. It is pretty funny.
relax man, don't get so triggered
Lol nice caps lock. Are you doing that ironically?
The fact that you're here shilling means we are a threat and you're too stupid to realize that.
I wonder, do you get to watch your wife get fucked or are you a open faggot?
There’s no such thing as a collective IQ. Someone with an IQ above 9 would know this...
Something with an IQ of 9 might be a dachshund...but that would be an insult to dachshunds.
................or a stick in a bucket of pig swill
Just came out of another lurking phase to help deport shills. Thanks for the great work as always, mods!