Trying to sign up for classes, but there's a hold on my account bc covid vax document is missing...
Anyone have a template or something? Maybe i could submit a religious exemption instead of a vax card
Trying to sign up for classes, but there's a hold on my account bc covid vax document is missing...
Anyone have a template or something? Maybe i could submit a religious exemption instead of a vax card
What worked for my wife and my friend was along these lines:
You must incode "it is my sincerely held religious belief that"
We used the catholic teachings on Moral Conscience
First, they preface with: "it is not up to any religious figure such as my local priest or even the pope to tell me how to follow my moral consciousness."
You will find plenty of useful stuff here
And yeah basically just says how it's a part of your religious beliefs that God gave all people a moral conscience and to make educated decisions based on it. Because the vaccines were in some way shape or form in connection to HEK275 abortions, you cannot morally choose to support such a vaccine. and knowing that it is morally wrong, it would be sinful not just because I am allowing and supporting the sin of aborting, but going against the teachings of my God in hopes that it grants me worldly things like this education.
Another completely different route you can go is to believe it's the mark of the beast.
Many priests are forbidden by the Bishops from writing the religious exemptions. If you have a sympathetic priest/minister who is operating under such rules, write your own exemption, but have the priest/minister write a "character reference" letter--an attestation that these are indeed your firmly held religious beliefs. Such a letter carries weight.
That makes sense. I have heard a few arguments by HR "well the priest/pope said its okay so.." so i like to point out how it's not their decision for me but their own.
Just want to include: no need to mention your religion. It’s none of their business.
I took the ‘naturalist’ approach to mine, that I believe (and i do) that the best things for my body are 100% natural, and man made things are worst.
Don't feel like it is the end of the world if you don't get to go.
Clever saving can get you back out of the debt you do have for the classes you have taken.
College and Universities have run their course. The Degrees are now being revealed for what they truly are -- pieces of paper that say you are a good boy who will obey the rules of your corporate overlords and do as you're told without question.
They are writs of bondage, sealed with the blood of your mind at the cost of their system of financial slavery.
This system which demands you have a master's degree to work at McDonalds is imploding.
Consider this -- how are these Universities and Colleges staying open when they are actively scrubbing their enrollment numbers? Who is footing the bill?
The answer is simple, it was never about you succeeding, it was about you being put through the rinser and coming out with a washed brain ready to follow orders. They are now re-education centers, and do more harm than good to those who have an impressionable mind.
The University system is antiquated in a modern age where you can learn in 10 minutes from a YouTube video what it would take 2 years to be permitted to witness at a University.
Full disclosure, I have a bachelor's in computer science, an associates degree in pre-engineering, and I went to a liberal arts college. I will say, I got my money's worth, but that's because I actually wanted to learn about the world (liberal arts) and not just learn the bare minimum to do a job. I have no regrets, but I scrimped and saved, refusing a credit card at all costs, just in order to pay off my debt. If I had to do it again, I would, but times have certainly changed, and what I learned there I could easily now learn online, on my own, so long as I can muster a passion to do so and the will to keep going.
Find something you like making, something that you can can sell at a flea market, and don't let that hobby/craft/skill get dusty such that you cannot fall back on it when your normal occupation demands you bend to your breaking point.
Whatever happens, don't go forward with regrets. Keep trucking along and know that God's plan and your life aren't predestined. God put you here for a very particular reason, sure, but whether or not you get that degree has no bearing on whether or not God will accomplish his plan through you.
God makes us as tools to further the Plan of His Creation. God chooses us like colors in a pack of colored pencils. If he made you red, and he needs the color red at this stage his work, he will pick you up and see if you have kept yourself sharpened. If you are dull, and unwilling to do as he designed you, he will break out the blade and sharpen you himself. If you consistently refuse to do as he intended, forcing him to sharpen you time and time again, then after he is done with your color he will cast you aside and forget about you until such a time you have repented, sharpened yourself, and he finds you again having placed yourself among the pack of colors, ready to put on the finishing touches of his wonderous Creation. If you do not repent, God absolutely will mix others to fill the void you left, disappointed and broken-hearted that what he made had abandoned him.
God will never abandon you. We abandon God by not asking for His merciful forgiveness. There is no measure of time, space, or thought for how quickly God can forgive. It is solely up to us to deny the sins of our Self, take up the burden of our Cross, and follow Him.
You can do no permanent wrong so long as you keep yourself sharp for the Lord. There will be times even when you are sharp where the nib of your point is broken off in the excitement of God's passion for Creation. These are the low times, where we all struggle for seemingly no reason. God will not rub you to the wood. He will finish using you to the point you can bear, put you lovingly back among the family of colors, and he will give you time to sharpen yourself once more.
Do not think he has abandoned you when times are hard -- for it is in those times that your splendidly tinged leaden core is being used to color His Masterpiece. When times are calm, that is the time to sharpen yourself, repent of your sins, and prepare for when God will take you from the pack again to draw our Paradise here in the waking world.
That was beautiful, fren 😢
Great post
I authored a response on behalf of my wife for a religious exemption for multiple workplaces. She is an oncology nurse at a hospital/health system (regarded as top in the US), university lecturer/teacher (largest student body in the US), and community college lecturer/teacher. All successful.
Personally, felt that it would be best to stay away from Judeo-Christian belief systems, as thy are too common and hard to defend when their leaders endorse the jab or when teachings (outside very orthodox application) do not support adversion, uniformly. It's uniqueness made it believable and supports exemption requirements. Shinto/Shintoism.
I answered the stock questions for each employer with a brief narrative. Only he university requested a follow up, here was that reply:
"What is the religious basis in Shintosim that prohibits the COVID-19 vaccination specifically?"
"Thank you for your interest into a deeper understanding of Shinto. However, there is no centralized doctrine, sacred scripture/text, or fixed dogma in its practice. Shintoism’s guiding principles are in the natural state of purity of human beings and the essence of spirit present in all things (nature).
Illness occurs when one’s immune system is weakened due to impurities of the spirit, mind, and body thereby creating imbalance. Preventing and overcoming illness involves returning that balance through physical and mental purification. Such remedies include naturopathy, kampo, diet, meditation, prayer, yoga, breathing, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc. The introduction of non-naturally occurring or artificial additives, chemicals, preservatives, etc…is counter to maintaining balance and inhibits holistic healing."
My wife wanted to reply with something more colorful which amounted to GFY but I had to be the voice of composure. I hope this provides some help in crafting yours.
Did they specifically ask what your religion was? I didn’t even mention it, but focused on the naturalist perspective (which I 100% agree with).
The specific question from the hospital/health system (answered first) was:
"What is the sincerely held religious belief or practice for which you are seeking accommodation?"
I did not see the colleges' questions because my wife reused/rephrased the original answer I had supplied to suit.
why would you care to learn from such an institution ? do yourself a favor and get away from this college. places like this that a beholden to corporations such as big pharma are literally indoctrination camps where you're placed in essentially a mind prison. find a more constitutional school, learn a trade, take up some other field of work where you can excel and eventually be your own boss
good luck
Yeah but it wouldn't hurt to have pedes who know how to infiltrate
I have a BS, masters and PhD. If I could do it over I would’ve skipped them all, learned a trade, and opened multiple small businesses. If you haven’t, read Rich Dad Poor Dad.
For my exemption at work I carefully worded it to include “It is my sincerely held religious belief”. No need to say what your religion is. I took the hippie naturalist approach, which I mostly believe: that the best things for my body are 100% natural, and that the worst are man made. Got approved.
Be Jewish if female. The rabbis protect women’s periods are are decidedly against the vaxx.
Here's a couple:
Evil shit
Check out
Pay her to be a VIP . Stay Strong
Appreciate yalls responses very much. Hoping the fact that youngkin just passed all those orders makes a difference also somehow.
Wife and I just decided to keep it simple with the suggested sincerely line provided by several of you. Here goes nothing. Just wrote n/a on the medical section.