These people know what they've done to America, which is why they can't believe that in a sane world they're not getting heavy and vicious push back. They can't believe our side is this law-abiding. They are walking on pins and needles expecting our side to do the nasty stuff their side would be doing in this situation. What's the Edgar Allan Poe tale with the imaginary beating heart driving the guy crazy? It's pretty tough when a woman yelling out of a car sends them all to their therapist's office.
Joe Morton was executed by the Germans because he was accompanying an OSS mission behind the lines. Everyone was in proper uniform, but hitler’s orders were to shoot all commandos on sight, so…
How brave of them to do their jobs in the face of this obvious domestic terrorism. /s
The gallows is really gonna upset them.
These people know what they've done to America, which is why they can't believe that in a sane world they're not getting heavy and vicious push back. They can't believe our side is this law-abiding. They are walking on pins and needles expecting our side to do the nasty stuff their side would be doing in this situation. What's the Edgar Allan Poe tale with the imaginary beating heart driving the guy crazy? It's pretty tough when a woman yelling out of a car sends them all to their therapist's office.
That's the one.
It's a hard knock life.
"a gaggle of reporters"
-Rush Limbaugh
Drive by media
blue you say?
... and that time Hillary took sniper fire when deplaning....
... and that time Brian Williams' helicopter was shot down and he lived to tell the tale....
Blue sedan. Kinda wonder if it’s a good day to be wearing this blue sweatshirt or not....
He went home last weekend?
'scary' lol
no, bitch...
Twice. Holy shit, how scarey that must be. You think your safe, then you hear it again
Got link mate?
Joseph Morton, look him up.
Joe Morton was executed by the Germans because he was accompanying an OSS mission behind the lines. Everyone was in proper uniform, but hitler’s orders were to shoot all commandos on sight, so…