Very strange video released. The White has been lights-out at 9pm since biden inauguration. Last night most rooms had lights on. That and the new concrete perimeter wall sure raises a lot of questions.
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Looked like a reflection of a service vehicle at a distance. But that doesn't explain why they need to put up concrete barriers around a fountain. You control debris by utilizing water to moisten the work site when working in close proximity to building and residential areas. And standard metal fence with some plastic cover is more than enough to obscure and also control debris from being kicked off the site.
That is pretty common in phase 1 and phase 2 of construction management in urban and residential areas.
If you watch the video closely you see separate flashes in each 2nd floor front facing window - in perfect order from left to right. Also birds don't fly at night unless something scares them - like an explosion.
Or a cat, or someone rattling their perch. I wouldn't rely on birds. The flashes seem like reflections, maybe a fire truck blasted an air horn under them. The walls are the strange part.
Except for the Northern Mockingbirds, Owls(more than 225 species world wide),Petrels,Nightjars,Eastern Whip-Poor-Wills, Killdeers,Pauraques,Stone Curlews,American Woodcocks,Night Herons,Yellow Warblers,Tawny Frogmouths, Yellow Breasted Chats, Alder Flycatchers, Nightingales, Standard Frogmouths, Black Crowned Night Herons, Night Hawks..................... I could go on, but I'm sure you see the point.
Point taken :-) They have all those at the WH?
There is also a small barrier outside of the WH iron fence.
Peguinsix - begin watching at 12:15:
That is typical in construction so thanks for the video.