DEVOLUTION KICKOFF DAY MAGATHREAD- MILITARY PEPEs and all others, comment what you can safely share based on what you observe.
I haven't even read devolution but hubby has- I hope today really is the day. Kick off is at noon! Update: OR, tomorrow because Devolution says 1 year and 1 day....... so 24 hour maga thread!
That's interesting! The hospital medical records, and particularly in-house communications, would go a long way in providing evidence that the medical community was in on the "vaccine" scam, and what I believe is worse, suppressing ivermectin and HCQ, and possibly other things, as modes of therapy.
I know! I told her to post her experience as it’s own post. It would be interesting to hear from other “boots on the ground”I also asked her if she was in a big city and she said the largest in her state. Her story made sense of the NG helping with covid surge narrative
I can't help wondering if that means she's in the medical center here in Houston
No idea. Here’s her reply.
Largest in our state. I can confirm that the 2nd largest facility in our state had a similar experience with the NG. Not the alarm, but badges and systems going down. Which is a big deal because it brings the entire place to a stand still. Having to physically send someone down to pharmacy for every order, etc.
How about the paper trail left by [knowingly] killing folks with malpractice.
They know what they did. Now they know how much they were paid to do it, and by whom.
They are going to Rico the fuck out of all of them, if not something quicker. Every one of them is stone cold busted.