So this is a serious question/request. I fear I may be very distantly related to one of the "royal" families of old. It kinda makes me sick to be honest. It would probably cause me emotional harm if I am indeed distantly related to the illuminati. I don't want evil blood.
If it matters, it's one of the Italian Houses. There's a few popes and cardinals with the maiden name in my family. I haven't bothered searching yet but I already feel down about it.
You shouldn’t be worrying about things like that! The Bible gives us one of the most recognised scriptures ever. It’s John 3:16. For God so loved the WORLD that He gave us His ONLY SON, that whosoever believes in Him (Jesus) will not perish but have everlasting life’.
The BLOOD that Jesus Christ shed on Calvary washes away not just our sins, but any generational curses we may have on us. We are made WHOLE! Jesus did His part, now it is up to us to do our part! What is that? Re-Read John 3:16. Our steps to Salvation do not require us to belong to any sort of brand over a church door or a masonic lodge. Or do good works. Or be rich, or poor. Or say prayers over and over like a chant! Salvation is us being introduced to God but via Jesus ONLY! God didn’t raise Mohammed or Buddha, the Popes, Ron Hubbard, Joseph Smith or the plethora of gods that man has worshipped over millennia. He raised Jesus Christ His ONLY Son! And it’s the Blood of Christ, nothing else, that we are washed and made whole and are reconciled back to God. God Bless.
I get really fed up hearing this exclusivity ..only thru one ever heard god say this ever....someone wrote down in a book that god said it..lots of people heard a god say lots of are asking people to believe a god of love shuts the door to heaven to anyone else unless they have a ticket saying Jesus sent me....
Didn't this Jesus say when someone said it's alright for you you are special ..son of God...and Jesus said so are all sons of God...which makes your exclusivity claim null and void. He also said ye are gods
I have researched religions more concentrated on attaining enlightenment and to be nearer god than this Jesus religion which thinks they don't have to do an y work on themselves cos they have an entrance ticket cos someone said..don't dad will only let you in If I die a horrible agonising death on a. cross.
.now that's a god I don't want any thing to do with.
I get what your saying, as I'm someone who believes gods mercy is eternal and without end. Meaning I believe that one day even the soul of Hitler will make it back to God, and all the rest of the sinners in this world
Eternal damnation being a fictitious addition to scare the masses. Fear has always been a tool of the wicked mean.
As far as Jesus's is concerned, I believe in his message and I believe in his mission.
Although like you say, men have tried to alter the meaning behind Jesus's message, doesn't mean you can't use your heart and mind to figure out the right from wrong inside the many editions of the bible.
Not sure if I make sense, as I'm a little under the weather right now.
You make perfect sense. At the core of religions are eternal truths...
Fun trivia, I have the same blood type as Jesus.
If you are Born Again, we are now children of God. If you go back to Adam & Eve, the Bible tells us that the serpent (beguiled Eve). Had a relationship ship with her. Then she had sex with Adam too. Twins were born, Cain and Abel. One line from God and one from satan. Cain killed Abel. If you look at ANY bloodlines of the Illuminati, it goes back to Cain. Bloodlines are everything! Royalty trace their bloodlines back to Cain. The Masonic Lodge have 33 levels. It’s not until you get toward the top levels that you actually understand the G in the square and compass is Satan. There is LIFE in the blood but ONLY via Jesus! We are made heirs with Christ. Romans 8:17. So much to discuss, a topic that can really bring out the demons, literally!! God Bless !