605 Wow ..😲 (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by purkiss80 3 years ago by purkiss80 +608 / -3 72 comments download share 72 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
What??! What's the temperature in hell?
Stick a finger in Kate Browns ass and you'll find out
I never knew I could laugh hysterically and vomit at the same time!
The things you learn about yourself on GA are amazing!
You’ll need a fist for mine.
What’s that saying? Colder than a witches tit?
She gives witches a bad name...
Shot in the ass, finger in flames🎶
Kate Brown gives witches a bad name...🎶🎵
That is hilarious!!
Throw water in that butch I mean bitch I mean witch 🧙
Not sure, but i just saw rosie o'Donnell flying